27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Guide to the Village History Section

This Village History Section began life as a project set up by Leicestershire County Council in October 2002 under the Leicestershire Villages banner. Volunteers were given a framework and training to collect material about the history of their parish to display it on the web. Marion Vincent MBE, pictured below proudly bearing her Certificate of Competence, took up the challenge for Rothley in 2009, adding over one hundred pages to that original website. That Rothley Village Website has won two awards for Overall Content 2006 and Overall Content 2007, both presented to Marion Vincent at the annual meeting of website volunteers held at Beaumanor Hall, Woodhouse, Leicestershire, hosted by Leicestershire County Council.

In September 2016, due to financial cuts, the County Council deleted the total content. Rothley Parish Council also needed to find a new home at the same time so it was agreed to combine the sites and they came 'live' on the 1st September 2016. Marion Vincent at the time commented on how it had it had been a tremendous job transferring all the data about Rothley history but it is essential that written records are not lost but preserved for future generations.

Marion went on to add that as she has been working through the pages, especially The Landscape of Rothley, it is clear to see how much Rothley has changed in a very short space of time. Marion hoped that perhaps someone will update these pages in years to come to keep the record of Rothley alive. Sadly Marion died in 2018 and she is remembered in the planting of this copse of seven trees on the Parish Council's Fowke Street Recreation Ground.

Marion's place as Editor of this section has been taken by Village History Warden Terry Sheppard. If you have any history material of Rothley, especially old photographs, then please contact me if you would like to share them on this site. I am at sheppard7pj@btinternet.com ,39 Fowke Street Rothley Leicester LE7 7PJ and on 0116 230 2931. All photographs immediately returned to their owners.


Last updated: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 11:36