27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley

The Dormer Family

Many of the older residents of Rothley will remember Miss Dormer and her shop in Town Green Street with its sweets and slippers displayed in the two front windows and known as Miss Dormer's Stores.
Miss Dormer was born Ruth Evelyn Dormer daughter of John and Ruth Dormer and sister to John Reginald Dormer.
John Dormer was born in 1867 in Leak Wooton, Warwickshire and married Ruth Steel who was born in 1873 and from Rothley. In 1901 John was a Hosiery Trimmer and Ruth a Hosiery Stitcher and their son John Reginald Dormer was 5 years old, having been born in Rothley in1896. Ruth Evelyn was born in Rothley in 1904.
In 1911 John's occupation was General Dealer with his wife's as Assisting in the Business. Their son, John Reginald, was a Hosiery Seamless Machine Hand and daughter, Ruth Evelyn, was at school.

Private 256050 John Reginald Dormer of the Leicestershire Yeomanry

Sadly, Miss Dormer's brother, John Reginald Dormer, was killed in action on the 22nd June 1917. Further details can be found by clicking on the link below:

Miss Dormer never married and the following photographs show her as a young girl enjoying an active life particularly at the Rothley Ivanhoe Tennis Club. This tennis club is still very active so these photographs are part of its history.

Miss Dormer at the back, possibly with her parents

Miss Dormer at the back, possibly with her parents

Rothley Ivanhoe Tennis Club. Miss Dormer on the right. Standing in front of the tennis pavillion.

The Rothley Ivanhoe Tennis Club at the courts. Miss Dormer third from the left.

Miss Dormer on the left

The Rothley Ivanhoe Tennis Club. Miss Dormer centre row 2nd from the left.

As above with a slightly different front row.

Rothley Ivanhoe Tennis Club with the pavilion at the back. Miss Dormer on the right.

Inside the Rothley Ivanhoe Tennis Club. Miss Dormer third from the right.

Miss Dormer second from the left on the putting green.

Miss Dormer centre back. All in matching outfits including the shoes

Part of the collection retained for the charabanc. Where were they going and was it in Rothley?

Miss Dormer third from the right

The same group as above with Miss Dormer in the centre showing her long plaits.

Miss Dormer on the left looking very stylish

Miss Dormer on the right

Miss Dormer on the right

Miss Dormer on the left

Miss Dormer on the right

Miss Dormer on the left at Hastings

Miss Dormer on the right

Miss Dormer on the right

Miss Dormer at the back

Miss Dormer at the back

Miss Dormer on the left

Miss Dormer on the left

Miss Dormer (Left) and customer outside her shop in Town Green Street. October 1969

I remember the shop in Rothley for the slippers in the windows perched on wooden stands and jars of sweets on the top shelf.
When it was sold the house was called 'Dormer House' in memory of Miss Dormer.

December 2006
Rodney Kenneth Green, Dormer House, Consulting Engineer

If you have memories of Miss Dormer's Stores please contact Marion Vincent

vincent.mbe82@yahoo.co.uk or 0116 2375156

Last updated: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 20:35