27th September 2024

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The Church Bells in 1893


On the 16th June 1893 the Melton Times published the following article under Rothley News:

The Parish Magazine for the present month contains the following interesting particulars with reference to the Church Bells:
"As there is an absolute dearth of local news for this months magazine we insert a few particulars respecting our Church bells, which must be of interest to all who live withing hearing of their melodious sound. The earliest record of them dates back to the 6th year of King Edward the sixth (A.D. 1553) when it is stated that there were "Foore belles and a saunce bell", the last being a small bell which was rung at the elevation of the host. These four bells continued to hang in the tower till the year 1784 when they were taken down and recast into 5 by Arnold, bellfounders of Leicester at a cost of £95. 7s. 9d., this amount being raised partly (£55. 2s. 6d.) by subscription and partly by a rate. We give the inscription on each bell: on the treble 'E. Arnold, Leicester. Fecit 1784. Long life and prosperity to our worthy subscribers.' Second. 'The Founder will rejoice to hear, that all our voices please the ear.' Third. 'I to the poor and needy am a friend, for whose relief I call you to attend.' Fourth. 'Four bells cast into five, being the first bells cast at Leicester by E. Arnold, 1784.' Tenor. 'Joseph Newbold and Daniel Pagett, Churchwardens. E Arnold, fecit 1784. Henry Woodcock, Vicar. I to the Church the living call, and to the grave do summons all.' (Weight 12 Cwt).
These five bells were taken down at the time of the Church restoration in 1877, and were reversed so that the clappers might strike on a different place on the bells, the long striking on the same place having caused a deep indentation, and were re-hung in a new frame-work, room being left for a sixth bell by Messrs Taylor, of Loughborough, at a cost of £100"

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Last updated: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 10:43