27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley


OS REF:SK58031255-SK56891226

OS REF:SK58031255-SK56891226

This is a public highway.

Date: 19th February 2010

This road is a lovely approach to the village centre as it is bordered by Horse Chestnuts that are beautiful when in blossom and loved by the children at conker time. With the diseases they face today with bleeding canker and a virus it is hoped that they will survive all threats.

There are also fields along the road as well as mature houses but overall there is a feeling of the countryside. (Spoilt by speeding motorists, a constant problem)

All the fields abutting this road have been recorded but why I have never done the trees is still a puzzle to me! However, I will now begin to record at least the lane in pictures should the day ever come when we have to tackle tree problems.

All the trees are covered by a Tree Protection Order. It is not known by me if the trees are owned by Charnwood Borough Council as highway trees or the landowners where they are part of the hedgerow.

Site 314 Westfield Lane looking to Rothley village from Rothley Station. February 2010

Site 314 Westfield Lane looking to Rothley village from Rothley Station. February 2010

Site 314 Westfield Lane looking to Rothley Station from Rothley village. February 2010

Site 314 Westfield Lane looking to Rothley Station from Rothley village. February 2010

Site 314 Westfield Lane looking to Rothley Station from Rothley Village. Rothley Park Golf Club to the left. February 2010

Site 314 Westfield Lane looking to Rothley Station from Rothley Village. Rothley Park Golf Club to the left. February 2010

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Last updated: Sat, 31 Dec 2016 14:55