27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley


OS REF:SK58991396

OS REF:SK58991396

Date: 25th July 2009

Observers: Brian Verity and Marion Vincent

Location: On old A6 next to 'Wyevale' roundabout.

OS Ref: SK5899213960

Map Title: Site 281 Hilltop

Our first visit to this site was in July 2007 when we took photos and generally checked out the area so a return visit was needed for notes and updates.

The main point of interest here is the mound with trees where two 'rumours' suggest the reason for its existence. One is the site of a windmill and the other a Burial Mound. Both possible for these reasons:

A windmill because this is on some of the highest land in Rothley and on the edge of the valley leading down to the River Soar.

A Burial Mound because it has been proven by finds in very close proximity of a Bronze Age Settlement. These were discovered by archaeologists prior to the building of the LPC site. It could therefore be a Bronze Age Barrow.

Without a 'dig' we can only suggest possibilities.

There is a small spinney adjoining this mound which is of fairly recent origin and helps to protect from the noise and emissions from the A6 By-pass.

At the rear of the garage is a storage facility for caravans which has little of interest but does hold an O2 communications mast.

There is a view from the caravan site into the vastly overgrown site known as Linkfield Farm, Site 280, which has been derelict for many years. The fruit trees in the farm orchard are still producing fruit and this area is good for wildlife, especially birds. A Chiffchaff was singing and a Great Spotted Woodpecker calling at the time of our visit.

To the right of the garage is the possible windmill mound or burial site within the cluster of trees. July 2007

To the right of the garage is the possible windmill mound or burial site within the cluster of trees. July 2007

The possible windmill mound or burial site next to Hilltop garage. July 2007

The possible windmill mound or burial site next to Hilltop garage. July 2007

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Last updated: Sat, 31 Dec 2016 15:56