27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley


OS REF:SK57871154-SK57881181

OS REF:SK57871154-SK57881181

There is no public access to this spinney.

Date: 1st August 2007

The name of this spinney is not shown on a map so more research needed but Tony Cooper, the owner, refers to it as Second Alley Spinney so I am keeping with that name.

It is used for pheasant rearing but not in use at the time of our visit.

Access was very difficult due to the growth from this year's very wet weather so we only managed just inside the spinney. We need to go back in the early spring.

The trees are mainly Oak and Ash and very much in keeping with other spinneys in the area. It is shown on the 1885 map. Other local spinneys were planted round about that time. There was a lot of snowberry, this seems to be in every spinney that we look at and it does spread a great deal.

Two adult and two juvenile Buzzards were flying around the spinney and were also seen two days later in the same place.

This whole of this spinney is covered by a Tree Protection Order. It is on private land with no public access.

Site 264 Second Alley Spinney. August 2007

Site 264 Second Alley Spinney. August 2007

Site 264 Second Alley Spinney. Looking over Site 308 South Field Close, into Site 307 South Close and Site 264 Second Alley Spinney to the left at the back. June 2008

Site 264 Second Alley Spinney. Looking over Site 308 South Field Close, into Site 307 South Close and Site 264 Second Alley Spinney to the left at the back. June 2008

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Last updated: Mon, 02 Jan 2017 11:11