27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley


OS REF:SK57751345

OS REF:SK57751345

There is no public access to this field.

Date: 24th February 2007

This field is next to Rothley Grange, a Listed Building on West Cross Lane that was once part of the Parish of Rothley. Not to be confused with The Grange in Fowke Street, Rothley.

This is a long narrow shaped field accessed from West Cross Lane. It forms part of the current Parish Boundary, not the Diocesan Boundary. The boundary hedgerow runs alongside a water course, full at the time of our visit, and contains some good Ash Trees that I need to record as Boundary Trees. The hedgerow on the opposite side of this field also looks ancient judging by the girth of the hawthorn and elder trunks and there was an Ancient Ash Stump that I need to record, as it was very large.

There was a very large lump of granite by the boundary hedge.

I also need to check out for field ponds as one is shown on the 1885 map and a good pond was evident just over the boundary

Site 260 Rothley Grange Field looking towards Rothley. February 2007

Site 260 Rothley Grange Field looking towards Rothley. February 2007

Site 260 looking to West Cross Lane. February 2007

Site 260 looking to West Cross Lane. February 2007

Site 260 looking to West Cross Lane. February 2007

Site 260 looking to West Cross Lane. February 2007

Site 260 looking to West Cross Lane. Large stone in the foreground. February 2007

Site 260 looking to West Cross Lane. Large stone in the foreground. February 2007

Is this an ancient Boundary Stone? Site 260. February 2007

Is this an ancient Boundary Stone? Site 260. February 2007

Looking over Site 196 Windmill Field to Site 260 Rothley Grange Field. February 2007

Looking over Site 196 Windmill Field to Site 260 Rothley Grange Field. February 2007

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Last updated: Mon, 02 Jan 2017 11:54