27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley


OS REF:SK58611274 plus other locations within this area.

OS REF:SK58611274 plus other locations within this area.

These roads are public highways.

Date: 12th August 2006

This is a Conservation Area.

There is a row of Lime Trees planted in front of the buildings known as Victoria Mills but there is an individual Beech Tree 561 in the back garden of 42 Fowke Street. It does have a good lean towards the property and branches have been cut off to prevent a greater lean, all carried out with the approval of Charnwood Borough Council. The owner in 2006 said that, according to his knowledge, two Beech trees were planted with the weakest one being cut down. This stump is still visible.

Beech Tree 561 with a girth of 3.4m in the garden of 42 Fowke Street. July 2006

Beech Tree 561 with a girth of 3.4m in the garden of 42 Fowke Street. July 2006

In February 2010 some of the Horse Chestnut trees in Homefield Lane were found to have bleeding canker and these were cut down. New ornamental trees were planted, but not replaced with Horse Chestnuts. These trees were cut down in the front gardens of three houses.

Bleeding canker. February 2010

Bleeding canker. February 2010

The trees before cutting down. February 2010

The trees before cutting down. February 2010

Site 252 Homefield Lane before the loss of the Horse Chestnuts. February 2010

Site 252 Homefield Lane before the loss of the Horse Chestnuts. February 2010

Site 252 Homefield Lane before the loss of the trees. February 2010

Site 252 Homefield Lane before the loss of the trees. February 2010

The destruction begins. February 2010

The destruction begins. February 2010

and continues. February 2010

and continues. February 2010

A sad loss. February 2010

A sad loss. February 2010

An emotional sight. February 2010

An emotional sight. February 2010

February 2010

February 2010

February 2010

February 2010

A major loss of ancient trees. February 2010

A major loss of ancient trees. February 2010

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Last updated: Mon, 02 Jan 2017 11:39