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OS REF:SK565140

OS REF:SK565140

Date: 14th July 2006

We did not go into this field due to time constraints but checked from the map that a hedgerow had been removed across the centre facing Kinchley Lane.

A further visit will be made to look at the boundary trees.

The name is temporary as the old maps that I have do not give this information but, as it was full of ripened corn, it seemed a suitable name for the time being.

19th July 2006

A return visit was made with Christine Nelson on the hottest day since records began.

We walked the perimeter of the field, which had excellent margins for walking and it was pleasing to watch crickets/grasshoppers jumping out as we walked. No time or literature to do any identification at present but this is something that I would like to do in the future. It was also very good for dragonflies and damselflies.

There were boundary trees in the hedgerows but not of ancient proportions. Information about these might be gained from the history of the building of Swithland Reservoir in the mid 1890's as a good area around the site must have been used for access and storage and then restored. I would put the tree age at around 100 years.

This field has a boundary made up of the Mineral Line (Site 154) with lots of trees in not very good condition.

On the boundary with Site 234 Cornfield (2) close to the Mineral Line there looks to be evidence of a pond site although I have not yet found this marked on a map. It is enclosed by trees in a circle, which is common to other ponds in the parish.

The hedgerows are very well maintained for wildlife with a variety of species, no gaps and good cover for birds and other wildlife. A yellowhammer was singing away all the time that we were in the field.

14th January 2007

Brian and I visited on our way to the Mineral Line but it was interesting to see the structure of the hedgerows in winter. On the Mineral Line boundary there are no ancient trees but a mixture of coppiced and pollarded ash with hawthorns showing old layering in places. There is no management of the hedgerow. On the hedgerow boundary between this field and Cornfield (2) at the junction with the Mineral Line we made further investigation of a possible pond site and this has now been recorded as Pond 38 and named Mineral Line Pond. It was holding water at the time of our visit. There is also evidence of another pond on the Kinchley Lane boundary of this field, which will need an investigation.

Site 233 Looking to Kinchley House with Kinchley Lane to the left. July 2006

Site 233 Looking to Kinchley House with Kinchley Lane to the left. July 2006

Site 233 Looking to Woodhouse Eaves with Kinchley Lane to the right. July 2006

Site 233 Looking to Woodhouse Eaves with Kinchley Lane to the right. July 2006

Site 233 with Site 234 Cornfield (2) over the hedgerow to the left. July 2006

Site 233 with Site 234 Cornfield (2) over the hedgerow to the left. July 2006

Site 233 Looking to Site 237 Kinchley Hill Plantation over Cornfield (1)in the front and Cornfield (2). July 2006

Site 233 Looking to Site 237 Kinchley Hill Plantation over Cornfield (1)in the front and Cornfield (2). July 2006

Site 233 Looking to Site 237 Kinchley Hill Plantation. July 2006

Site 233 Looking to Site 237 Kinchley Hill Plantation. July 2006

Site 233 Looking from Kinchley Lane to Site 154 The Mineral Line. July 2006

Site 233 Looking from Kinchley Lane to Site 154 The Mineral Line. July 2006

Site 233 Looking from the Mineral Line Site 154 towards Woodhouse Eaves. July 2006

Site 233 Looking from the Mineral Line Site 154 towards Woodhouse Eaves. July 2006

Site 233 Possible Pond Site on the boundary with Site 234 Cornfield 92) close to the Mineral Line. July 2006

Site 233 Possible Pond Site on the boundary with Site 234 Cornfield 92) close to the Mineral Line. July 2006

Site 233 Possible Pond Site on the boundary with Site 234 Cornfield (2) as seen above. July 2006

Site 233 Possible Pond Site on the boundary with Site 234 Cornfield (2) as seen above. July 2006

Site 233 Looking to Site 239 Kinchley House Field with The Mineral Line Site 154 to the right. July 2006

Site 233 Looking to Site 239 Kinchley House Field with The Mineral Line Site 154 to the right. July 2006

Site 233 looking to Kinchley Lane from the Mineral Line Site 254. July 2006

Site 233 looking to Kinchley Lane from the Mineral Line Site 254. July 2006

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. January 2007

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. January 2007

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. January 2007

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. January 2007

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. January 2007

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. January 2007

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. April 2003

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. April 2003

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. April 2003

Site 233 Looking into Pond 38 Mineral Line Pond. April 2003

Site 233 Looking to Kinchley House with Kinchley Lane to the left. Pond 39 Kinchley Lane Pond in the thicket on the left. January 2007

Site 233 Looking to Kinchley House with Kinchley Lane to the left. Pond 39 Kinchley Lane Pond in the thicket on the left. January 2007

Site 233 Pond 39 Kinchley Lane Pond. Kinchley Lane behind the hedgerow. January 2007

Site 233 Pond 39 Kinchley Lane Pond. Kinchley Lane behind the hedgerow. January 2007

Site 233 Pond 38 Kinchley Lane Pond. January 2007

Site 233 Pond 38 Kinchley Lane Pond. January 2007

Site 233 Looking to Kinchley House with Kinchley Lane to the left behind the hedgerow. Pond 39 Kinchley Lane Pond in the group of trees and thicket on the left. January 2007

Site 233 Looking to Kinchley House with Kinchley Lane to the left behind the hedgerow. Pond 39 Kinchley Lane Pond in the group of trees and thicket on the left. January 2007

Site 233 over the hedgerow to the right. Pond 38 Kinchley Lane Pond to the right of the trees. Looking from Kinchley Lane to Swithland Lane. January 2007

Site 233 over the hedgerow to the right. Pond 38 Kinchley Lane Pond to the right of the trees. Looking from Kinchley Lane to Swithland Lane. January 2007

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Last updated: Mon, 02 Jan 2017 14:53