27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley


OS REF:SK58391192

OS REF:SK58391192

Date: 26th May 2010

This site needs a visit. (Comment made in 2006)

A visit was made on the 26th May 2010 at the time we were recording the Rothley Ancient Temple Survey (RATS) as we start our next stint along one of the boundaries with Rothley Park Golf Course.

The field is currently pasture with free access to cattle from the adjoining fields. It would once have been meadowland but fertilisers have been applied to give a rather barren field when it comes to wildflowers.

There is an interesting track to one side of this field that leads up to Site 212 Church Wardens Land. It has a hedgerow on both sides making it look like a Drove Road. The hedgerow is old with good stumps of hawthorn.

Site 225 The old track leading to Site 212 Church Wardens Land with Sewells Close entrance top right. May 2010

Site 225 The old track leading to Site 212 Church Wardens Land with Sewells Close entrance top right. May 2010

Site 225 with Rothley Park Golf Course Site 127 behind the trees on the right. May 2010

Site 225 with Rothley Park Golf Course Site 127 behind the trees on the right. May 2010

Site 225 Looking down to the Bridle Road right of centre. Rothley Park Golf Course on the left. May 2010

Site 225 Looking down to the Bridle Road right of centre. Rothley Park Golf Course on the left. May 2010

Site 225 Looking to Site 223 Short Browns Ward with Site 218 Black Hovel Spinney to the right. May 2010

Site 225 Looking to Site 223 Short Browns Ward with Site 218 Black Hovel Spinney to the right. May 2010

Site 225 Sewells Close to the left of the track and Site 223 Short Browns Ward to the right of the track. Track looking down to the Bridle Road. May 2010

Site 225 Sewells Close to the left of the track and Site 223 Short Browns Ward to the right of the track. Track looking down to the Bridle Road. May 2010

Site 225 Looking into Site 223 Short Browns Ward with ancient boundary tree. May 2010

Site 225 Looking into Site 223 Short Browns Ward with ancient boundary tree. May 2010

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Last updated: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 12:58