27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley


OS REF:SK582121

OS REF:SK582121

Date: 28th January 2006

Dyehouse Close is now part of Brookfield Site 220 but I have kept it separate otherwise it is a huge area to cover now that hedgerows have been removed. It is currently used as pasture and an electric fence has to be negotiated whichever way you get access. We accessed it from the Bridle Road Site 142 by the Town Green Bridge over the Rothley Brook.

One boundary to this site is the Rothley Brook and the bank has Ash Trees, which are in a poor condition. There are two lovely Oaks, Trees 515 and 516 with girths of 5.5m and 5.15m. Nearby, on the brook bank is an Ash Tree 517 which I have assessed with a girth of 2.7m as it was in a difficult situation, not to mention an electric fence attached to it.

The field has three other Oaks Trees 518, 532 and 533 which are not classed as ancient as their girths are 3.5m, 2.9m and 3.3m but it is interesting that they are 'free standing' in the field and not part of a hedgerow. This makes the field appear to be like the parkland extending from The Temple (Rothley Court Hotel) towards the old A6. There are two Ash Trees 534 and 535 in the boundary at the corner by the Town Green Bridge.

There is a small area of land near the bridge that separates this site from the brook with an old fallen Willow and smaller Ash and a possible ford through the brook, which needs more research


515 58251222 Oak 5.5 224 Dyehouse Close

516 58281223 Oak 5.1 224 Dyehouse Close

517 58381226 Ash 2.7 224 Dyehouse Close

518 58211218 Oak 3.5 224 Dyehouse Close

532 58471211 Oak 2.9 224 Dyehouse Close

533 58481209 Oak 3.3 224 Dyehouse Close

534 58181219 Ash 3.0 224 Dyehouse Close

535 58181220 Ash 2.8 224 Dyehouse Close

Site 224 Looking to the Bridle Road. January 2006

Site 224 Looking to the Bridle Road. January 2006

Site 224 Looking from the Bridle Road over Dye House Close to Site 222 Thomas Babingtons Carriageway. September 2005

Site 224 Looking from the Bridle Road over Dye House Close to Site 222 Thomas Babingtons Carriageway. September 2005

Site 224 From the Bridle Road over Dye House Close to Town Green. November 2005

Site 224 From the Bridle Road over Dye House Close to Town Green. November 2005

Site 224 Looking to the Bridle Road. January 2006

Site 224 Looking to the Bridle Road. January 2006

Site 224 Boundary with Rothley Brook near Town Green. January 2006

Site 224 Boundary with Rothley Brook near Town Green. January 2006

Site 224 Boundary with Rothley Brook to the left. January 2006

Site 224 Boundary with Rothley Brook to the left. January 2006

Site 224 Looking to Town Green. January 2006

Site 224 Looking to Town Green. January 2006

Site 224 Looking to the old A6. January 2006

Site 224 Looking to the old A6. January 2006

Site 224 Looking from the boundary with Rothley Brook with Town Green to the right. January 2006

Site 224 Looking from the boundary with Rothley Brook with Town Green to the right. January 2006

Site 224 Looking from the Bridle Road over Dye House Close to Site 222 Thomas Babingtons Carriageway. October 2005

Site 224 Looking from the Bridle Road over Dye House Close to Site 222 Thomas Babingtons Carriageway. October 2005

Site 224 Looking over Dye House Close from the Bridle Road to Site 222 Thomas Babingtons Carriageway. October 2005

Site 224 Looking over Dye House Close from the Bridle Road to Site 222 Thomas Babingtons Carriageway. October 2005

Site 224 Tree 515. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 515. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 516. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 516. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 517. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 517. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 518. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 518. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 532. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 532. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 533. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 533. January 2006

Site 224 Tree 534 (left) and Tree 535 (right). January 2006

Site 224 Tree 534 (left) and Tree 535 (right). January 2006

Site 224 Trees 515, 516 and 517. March 2010

Site 224 Trees 515, 516 and 517. March 2010


Site 224 Looking to Rothley Brook and Town Green. 6th April 2013

Site 224 Looking to Rothley Brook and Town Green. 6th April 2013

Site 224 Looking to Rothley Brook. 6th April 2013

Site 224 Looking to Rothley Brook. 6th April 2013

Site 224 Ancient Trees 515, 516 and 517 on the banks of Rothley Brook. 6th April 2013

Site 224 Ancient Trees 515, 516 and 517 on the banks of Rothley Brook. 6th April 2013

Site 224 Looking to Rothley Brook and Town Green. 6th April 2013

Site 224 Looking to Rothley Brook and Town Green. 6th April 2013

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Last updated: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 12:56