27th September 2024

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OS REF:SK579119

OS REF:SK579119

Date: 30th July 2004

This first visit was to plot out the trees on paper and take photographs before returning to do the measurements.

This field is bordered on one side by the Rothley Brook, the Rothley Park Golf Course on another and the two other boundaries border Site 210 Bridge Close and Site 207 Great Close. There is a public footpath running through the middle of this field. The 'Mill Site', Site 174, forms part of the Rothley Brook boundary.

The field is improved pasture; it is not grazed but cut in the summer. There are grasshoppers/crickets in this field, which will have to be identified at a future date.

The drive to Southfield Farm runs through this field, it was made in 2002 as an alternative to the drive running between the greens of the golf course.

14th August 2004

Tree recoding completed. There are some lovely oaks bordering the Golf Course boundary.

12th March 2005

After Brian's research on Site 174 looking at old maps, we were checking out the large bowl like drop in the ground between the footpath and the Mill Site 174. There is evidence of vegetation that likes damp area and looks to be in an area that was a channel on the old maps. Our Mill Site has now been renamed Island Site as it is now described by Brian as a landscaped water feature with bridge access and two islands. Brian is continuing with his research.


Working map of site 209 and trees. Not to scale

Working map of site 209 and trees. Not to scale

Tree number, OS Ref, species, girth and site number and name.

299 580120 Lime 2.9 209 Cecily Croft

300 580120 Oak 4.0 209 Cecily Croft

301 579119 Lime 3.7 209 Cecily Croft

302 579119 Oak 4.7 209 Cecily Croft

303 579119 Sycamore 3.5 209 Cecily Croft

304 579119 Oak 4.2 209 Cecily Croft

305 578120 Oak 1.8 209 Cecily Croft

306 578120 Oak 2.3 209 Cecily Croft

307 578120 Oak 2.6 209 Cecily Croft

331 579120 Lime 2.8 209 Cecily Croft

332 579120 Sycamore 2.7 209 Cecily Croft

333 579120 Maple 2.3 209 Cecily Croft

334 578120 H. Chestnut 1.9 209 Cecily Croft

335 578120 H. Chestnut 1.8 209 Cecily Croft

336 578120 H. Chestnut 2.1 209 Cecily Croft

337 578118 Ash 2.7 209 Cecily Croft

338 578118 Ash 3.0 209 Cecily Croft

339 579118 Maple 2.4 209 Cecily Croft

340 579118 Sycamore 2.2 209 Cecily Croft

341 579118 Maple 1.7 209 Cecily Croft

342 579118 H. Chestnut 1.6 209 Cecily Croft

343 579118 Ash 1.5 209 Cecily Croft

344 579118 Sycamore 1.7 209 Cecily Croft

345 579120 Ash 1.7 209 Cecily Croft

346 579120 Ash 2.4 209 Cecily Croft

347 579119 Maple 1.6 209 Cecily Croft

348 579119 Silver Birch 1.8 209 Cecily Croft

349 578118 Plantation of 11 young trees of mixed species.

Site 209 Looking to Rothley Court Hotel. May 2002

Site 209 Looking to Rothley Court Hotel. May 2002

Site 209 Cecily Croft July 2004

Site 209 Cecily Croft July 2004

Site 209 New plantation. August 2004

Site 209 New plantation. August 2004

Site 209 New planting. July 2004

Site 209 New planting. July 2004

Site 209 Public Footpath towards Rothley Park Golf Course. July 2004

Site 209 Public Footpath towards Rothley Park Golf Course. July 2004

Site 209 New planting growing well. June 2006

Site 209 New planting growing well. June 2006

Site 209 June 2006

Site 209 June 2006

Site 209 An avenue of Horse Chestnuts planted in 2005. March 2006

Site 209 An avenue of Horse Chestnuts planted in 2005. March 2006

Site 209 The avenue of Horse Chestnuts in June 2006

Site 209 The avenue of Horse Chestnuts in June 2006

Site 209 Looking to Southfield Farm. June 2006

Site 209 Looking to Southfield Farm. June 2006

Site 209 Looking to Bridle Road. August 2007

Site 209 Looking to Bridle Road. August 2007

Site 209 Two Dawn Redwoods planted in 2004. August 2007

Site 209 Two Dawn Redwoods planted in 2004. August 2007

Site 209 One of the two Dawn Redwoods planted in 2004. August 2007

Site 209 One of the two Dawn Redwoods planted in 2004. August 2007

Site 209 Dawn Redwood looking to Southfield Farm. August 2007

Site 209 Dawn Redwood looking to Southfield Farm. August 2007

Site 209 Looking to the Bridle Road. The avenue of Horse Chestnuts growing well. Richard obliging for a size comparison. July 2010

Site 209 Looking to the Bridle Road. The avenue of Horse Chestnuts growing well. Richard obliging for a size comparison. July 2010

Site 209 One of the Dawn Redwoods. July 2010

Site 209 One of the Dawn Redwoods. July 2010

Site 209 The second Dawn Redwood. July 2010

Site 209 The second Dawn Redwood. July 2010

Site 209 Tree 299. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 299. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 300. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 300. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 301. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 301. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 302. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 302. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 303. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 303. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 304. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 304. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 305. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 305. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 306 July 2004

Site 209 Tree 306 July 2004

Site 209 Tree 307 July 2004

Site 209 Tree 307 July 2004

Site 209 Trees 331, 332 and 333. July 2004

Site 209 Trees 331, 332 and 333. July 2004

Site 209 Trees 334, 335 and 336. July 2004

Site 209 Trees 334, 335 and 336. July 2004

Site 209 Trees 334, 335 and 336. July 2004

Site 209 Trees 334, 335 and 336. July 2004

Site 209 Trees 337 and 338. July 2004

Site 209 Trees 337 and 338. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 339-344. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 339-344. July 2004

Site 209 Tree 346 (left) and 345. August 2004. A Public Footpath runs between these trees. August 2004

Site 209 Tree 346 (left) and 345. August 2004. A Public Footpath runs between these trees. August 2004



Date: 2nd February 2011

Observers: Brian Verity, Terry Sheppard and Marion Vincent

Location: Site accessed from Southfield Farm

OS Ref: SK5782611793-SK5781311918

Map Title: Site 127 Rothley Park Golf Course/Site 207 Great Close

Owners: Rothley Park Golf Club/Tony Cooper Southfield Farm, Rothley

Stint 27a takes us along the drain/ditch with no hedgerow but in 27b there is some coppiced ash but not ancient. 23 metres along 27b we reach the boundary hedgerow with Site 207 Great Close which is part of Southfield Farm. We cross this hedgerow at SK5782811849 where there is an ancient Ash Tree 337 which I recorded on the 14th August 2004 in Site 209 Cecily Croft as it is on the boundary of these two fields. I also noted that the tree was 'in a hedgerow, in a ditch and behind barbed wire' which is still true in February 2011.

In the remaining 7 metres of Stint 27b, in Great Close, there is evidence of ancient layered hawthorn, still a good ditch but lots of brambles.

In Stint 27c we continue with the hedgerow as in 27b but at 25 metres we cross the private driveway to the farm and then have to switch from Site 207 Great Close to Site 209 Cecily Croft due to the excessive amount of bramble along the Great Close hedgerow. The last five metres and the whole of Stint 27d run along ancient layered hawthorn, with blackthorn and still a good ditch. Modern planting consists of Silver Birch and maple sp.

The farmer says that this hedgerow is due to be layered.

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Last updated: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 13:52