27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley


OS REF:SK57871165

OS REF:SK57871165

Date: 3rd April 2004

From the map I could see that there was a pond in the corner of this field and recorded it briefly on the way up to another site to record Ancient Parish Boundaries. It is Bacon Hole Pond 27 in the survey.

On the old maps the field is called Bacon Hole but this was, at some date, combined with Harrow Close and Barn Close to form one field. I will retain the names as three separate sites as there are two good sized trees in the middle of the total field, which would have been in the old hedgerows. I will not be able to get access to these trees until the crop has been harvested.

9th June 2004

I called in at the pond to record the vegetation but it was so thick and tall that I could not get access.

Site 205 Pond 27 Bacon Hole Pond. March 2005

Site 205 Pond 27 Bacon Hole Pond. March 2005

Site 205 Pond 27 Bacon Hole Pond. April 2004

Site 205 Pond 27 Bacon Hole Pond. April 2004

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Last updated: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 14:44