27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley

Rothley Youth Club 1943/4

Bob Lovett has been a great source of Rothley village history and kindly loaned the Youth Club Minutes of 1945/6 which you will find on this village website. I am pleased to say that Bob has now produced the Minutes Book One detailing the start of the Rothley Youth Club and yet another part of Rothley life from over 60 years ago is revealed in these pages.

A discussion with regard to the starting of a Youth Club in Rothley was held at the Vicarage on Sunday Oct 3rd 1943. The idea was voted a good one and weekly meetings were arranged for Thursday evenings from 7 to 9.
Mr. R. Lovett was elected President, Miss Patrick, Miss Becker, Mr. W. Hancock and Mr. A. Becker form the committee. It was arranged that a new President & committee be elected every three months.
Other officers elected were:-
Mr. T. Bourner for the art dept.
Mr. S. Fletcher & Miss J. Plowright producer and director respectively for the dramatic dept.
Miss Becker for the food dept.
Mr. Becker for the woodwork Dept.
Mr. Hancock for the games dept.
Miss Bilsdon editor of the club mag.
Miss Burton and Miss Buckler for the music dept.

(Minute Keeper)

So, the Rothley Youth Club came into being on the 3rd October 1943 and we can chart its progress from this date until December 22nd 1944 by clicking on the following pages:

The Minutes for what happened in 1945/1946 can be viewed by clicking the link:

Last updated: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 19:49