27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Rothley Wesleyan Methodist Chapel

The original entrance was from Howe Lane but this was moved to the far side when the extension was built. Memorial stones can be seen on the side of the building. 2009

The side view in 2014 after the shrubs were cleared.

The side view showing the date 1823. March 2014

The chapel is entered from the rear doors in the community hall. 2009

The balcony is not now used but was part of the original building. 2009

View from the balcony into the main body of the chapel. 2009

Some of the original balcony seating is still in position. 2009

This lovely banner was made by Joan Lovett to celebrate the 175th year of the chapel. The embroidered panel, bottom centre, shows the view of the original chapel from Howe Lane.

Rothley Wesleyan Methodist Chapel is frequently used for village events including a Coffee Morning every Tuesday and access can easily be made to view the interior.

For more information about this building and its history please click on the following links:

Last updated: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 13:46