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Rothley School Roll of Honour


Rothley School Log Book 2 1907-1944

WW1 RELATED ENTRY by Arthur Keyworth, Head Master 1897-1922

P158 Oct 18th Put up on the wall behind the clock and by the 'Roll of Honour' a large frame containing photos of all former scholars who have given their lives for us at the 'Front'. I made all the boys stand at the 'Salute' while I said a few words in honour of those who have made the 'great sacrifice'. Some of the parents were present.

Sadly, there is no further information about this Roll of Honour and the photos which would have hung in the classroom at the school in School Street, Rothley, now the Old School Rooms.

The Joseph Goddard designed 1871 frontage of the National School, now the Old School Rooms, School Street, Rothley
Photo 2016

The Joseph Goddard designed 1871 frontage of the National School, now the Old School Rooms, School Street, Rothley
Photo 2016

Extracts below of the war related entries made by Mr Keyworth in School Log Book 2:

Rothley School Log Book 21907-1944

WW1 RELATED ENTRIES All by Arthur Keyworth, Head Master 1897-1922

1914P.93No mention of start of War


P114May 2ndLieutenant Eastman visited, Commander of the Mountsorrel Volunteer Training Corps, of which I am a member.

Daylight Saving Bill comes in

P117May 24thEmpire Day. Special Lessons and patriotic songs. Collection for sailors and Soldiers.

P121July 5thBoys requested that I use the Science lesson to feature 'Aeroplanes'. I told them about a double-engined warplane at the Aerodrome of the Brush Works when I was on guard duty on Friday nights as part of my Volunteer duties.

P125Nov 24th19 children are now regularly contributing to the War Savings Department.


P141Nov 24thMrsBroadhurst of The Temple visited to ask the girls to knit socks and gloves for the soldiers.


P148Mar 15-22School closed by order of LCC to enable the teachers to do war work (sugar etc, cards) at the Union Workhouse. It was easy work.

P150June 6-7School closed: Teachers attended all day giving out applications for ration books.

P157 SummerA series of sorties in the fields by order of the LCC has seen a total of 173lbs of Blackberries picked.

1918 contd

P157Oct 3rdTwo years today since we began War Savings Association. Total to date £8210s6d, making with the amount deposited in the School Bank, a total of £110 odd saved by the scholars.

P158Oct 18thPut up on the wall behind the clock and by the 'Roll of Honour' a large frame containing photos of all former scholars who have given their lives for us at the 'Front'. I made all the boys stand at the 'Salute' while I said a few words in honour of those who have made the 'great sacrifice'. Some of the parents were present.


P161 Jan 17thGave Lantern Lecture on 'The War in the Air', for Nursing Association Funds.

Jan 20thEdith Brown, Std 1 scholar, died from after-effects of influenza.

P162Feb 14thGave Lantern Lecture on 'The War at Sea', for Nursing Association Funds.

P163Mar 1stMrs Neal is leaving to rejoin her husband who is now at home from the Front.

Mar 14thGave Lantern Lecture to scholars on 'The War on Land'.

P167July 20thPeace Celebration. Processions, Tea, Distribution of Medals.

P171 Nov 11thAt 11am silence was kept for two minutes followed by prayers and afterwards the National Anthem, accompanied by the organ.

Last updated: Sun, 18 Dec 2016 13:21