27th September 2024

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Rothley-cum-Keyham Parish Magazine May 1901

This issue of the Parish Magazine not only tells you that all seats in this Parish Church are free but also prints a letter from Trooper Frank Sleath when a Prisoner of War in the Boer War.

Rothley-cum-Keyham Parish Magazine.

MAY 1901

Services at the Parish Church of S. Mary the Virgin. The first Sunday in the month, Matins and Holy Communion.

The second and fifth Sundays, Matins, Litany, and Ante-Communion.

The third Sunday, Holy Communion at 8-30; Matins and Litany at [0-45. The fourth Sunday, Matins and Ante-Communion. Litany sung at Evensong.

Evensong every Sunday at 6-30.

Baptisms at 5-40 on the third Sunday in the month. Notice to be given to the Vicar or the Clerk by 10 o'clock on the morning of the day.

The Office of "the Churching of Women" immediately after any Morning Service.

All seats in this Parish Church are free. Anyone may take an unoccupied seat.

See notice posted up at the West end of the Church.


April 21-Albin William Selvey, born January 14th 1901


April 11-William Scott, aged 67 years.

19-Elizabeth Hallam (the Union Workhouse), aged 78 years.

Trooper Frank Sleath, of 65 Company Imperial Yeomanry. Early in March the announcement appeared in the papers of the capture of this deservedly esteemed young soldier by the Boers, and the anxiety as to his fate on the part of his many relatives in this village was naturally great, and the fact that others who had been captured subsequently had been released, whereas nothing had been heard of him, of course intensified the feeling of alarm, for it was not known whether he was dead or alive. All uncertainty, however, as to his safety, was removed by the receipt of a letter from him to his brother, Mason, on the 14th ult., and it gives us much pleasure to insert the letter, which is an interesting one, and graphically describes the several incidents related therein :-

Graaff Reinet,

March 22nd, 1901,

To read this letter please click on the following link:

Last updated: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 20:09