27th September 2024

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Rothley Baptist Church-Extracts and Jottings 1866-1928

These are extracts from the No. 4 Minute Book of the General Baptist Church Rothley and Sileby A.D. 1866 and reproduced by kind permission of the Rothley Baptist Church

29th July 1866

The proposiety of having the Chapel lighted with lamps instead of candles having been suggested it was resolved that the subject be deferred until the next meeting for consideration.

2nd September 1866

That the chapel be lighted with lamps and that Bre. Riley, G. Sewell and F. North be requested to procure the same and superintend the fixing as early as possible.

29th September 1895

Special Church Meeting agreed that we sell the water out of the Baptistry as it is very scarce on account of the long drought.

5th September 1903

On September 2nd 1903 the Graveyard was inspected by an officer from the Local Government Board, London, with a view to closing it for the purpose of interments according to Notice we had already received. Few applications were made by relatives of those who already lay there to be buried in the old place otherwise. Both Church and Chapel Yards are now closed as the new cemetery is now open for interments.

27th January 1910

Owing to the death of Mr. Fowkes, who for some months had possession of the Church Deeds, a fresh storage place had to be found. Messrs. A. Vann and J. Freer were requested to obtain the Deeds from Mrs. Fowkes and hand these over to Mr. Geo. Sewell, to be deposited in the church safe.

6th June 1912

That the evening collection on Sunday September 1st should be devoted towards the maintenance of the Village Nurse.

4th December 1913

We agreed to give a donation of 10/- to the Rothley Nursing Association.

13th April 1914

The Church sanctioned the erection of a showcase, generously provided by Mr. Burford, to be placed on the wall outside the Chapel for the display of posters advocating Temperance and denouncing the Drink Traffic.

10th June 1915

Mr. Waldram suggested that we ask Mr. Nurse to remove rubbish heap from the Chapel Yard and that we purchase a dustbin so that there would be no accumulation in the future.

31st May 1917

The Baptistry, having no outlet at the bottom to run the water off after using, it was decided to ask Mr. Sleath whether it would be possible to fix a drain for that purpose.

10th January 1918

Mr. Burford suggested that we get a Roll of Honour to hang in the Vestry on which should be inscribed the names of the Boys who have passed through the school and joined His Majesty's Forces during the present war.

24th May 1928

The question of electric lights for the Chapel was then discussed and on the proposition of Mrs. Cattell. 2nd by Mrs. Iliffe, Mr. Caldwell was asked to ascertain particulars as to the cost from the Mountsorrel friends and report to the next meeting.

28th June 1928

Mr. Caldwell then submitted his report regarding the Electric Lighting and on the proposition of Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mrs. Staples, it was decided to proceed with the scheme, and Mr. Taylor and Mr. Vann were appointed to meet the electrician with a view to getting estimates for same.

16th July 1928

The Secretary submitted the estimates for the Electric Lighting Scheme and after some discussion it was decided, on the proposition of Mr. Taylor, 2nd by Mrs. Hodkinson to accept the tender at £19. 5s.0d. it was also decided as an extra item to fix a light outside the Chapel on the proposition of Mrs. Cattell, 2nd by Mrs. Iliffe.

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Last updated: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 11:22