27th September 2024

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Private 11615 Sidney Reid

'B' Company 8th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment.

Died of wounds in the France and Flanders Campaign on the 1st October 1916 aged 23 years.

He is buried at the Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe, Somme, France. Grave Ref: V.B.30. His grave inscription is 'GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN THAN THIS"

Son of William Hives Reid and Sarah Reid of Anthony Street, Rothley. Brother to Annie. He was formerly employed by the Mountsorrel Co-operative Society.

Named on the War Memorial, Parish Church Roll of Honour and Parish Church Triptych Roll of Honour. His Obituary was recorded in the Melton Times dated 13th October 1916

The War Diary entry for events from the 24th to the 30th September 1916 records:
East of TRONES WOOD. About 7.00pm on the 24th the Battalion marched up to take a position prior to making an attack the next day. Before they reached the position the enemy heavily shelled our men, several casualties resulting. At 12.30pm on the 25th the first attack was launched, the 8th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT being in a position on the right of FLERS. The objective was the first German line, a distance of about 1000 yards from the trench from which the Battalion launched the attack. The attack was made in waves, each platoon forming a wave, and 2 waves going over at a time. The attack was launched with splendid heroism, the first objective was gained in about 3/4 of an hour, the men then stopped a short time to consolidate their gain, and to allow the artillery barrage to lift. They then pressed on to their second objective which was the village of GUEDECOURT. By the time they reached the village their ranks were sadly thinner, by the tremendous artillery barrage the enemy put up, and by machine guns which wrought terrible havoc. Nevertheless with dauntless gallantry they pressed on reaching the village and engaging the enemy in hand to hand fighting which took place all the night. In the morning the 7th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT relieved the 8th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT in the village, and the enemy were finally driven out. The 8th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT were brought back to the second line of trenches, where they were relieved by the 6th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT on the 28th. They then went back to SWISS TRENCH where they remained until relieved on the night of October 1st.

Inoculations were part of the preparation for service abroad

Inoculations were part of the preparation for service abroad

Private Reid was wounded on the 15th September 1916 and died on the 1st October 1916 as shown in the Casualty Form

Private Reid was wounded on the 15th September 1916 and died on the 1st October 1916 as shown in the Casualty Form





Last updated: Thu, 03 Dec 2020 10:13