27th September 2024

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RATS Stints 22-24

RATS Stint 22


Date: 19th January 2011

Observers: Brian Verity, Terry Sheppard and Marion Vincent

Location: Site accessed over Rothley Park Golf Course from Bridle Road

OS Ref: SK5814511851-SK5816011762 (end of Stint 22c where it turns into the field)

Map Title: Site 127 Rothley Park Golf Course

Owners: Rothley Park Golf Club, Westfield Lane, Rothley.

Here again we have a good ditch with a mainly Hawthorn hedgerow on the boundary and a thicket that becomes a rather dense area of Blackthorn making it difficult to penetrate to follow the line and take photographs. However, in Stint 22a we have a good sized Ash

with a girth of approx. 2.8m but not in good condition like many of the Ancient Boundary Ash Trees. I have already recorded this under Site 226 Pethefers Close Ash Tree 635. It is hollow inside with fungi so on borrowed time. There is some ancient layered Hawthorn as the boundary hedge but also modern hawthorn planting to fill the gaps.

Through the Blackthorn thicket in Stint 22b with 22c being 26m to the hedgerow boundary where we turn at SK5816011762

This takes us into Site 308 South Field Close, but at the time of the ancient boundary it would be over its hedgerow with West Hall Field now removed to make one large field.

Stint 22d should take us over this lost field boundary and as there is no evidence left of its existence we will not be measuring or recording it except by a photograph and it will also be recorded as Stint 23. Stint 22d does not therefore exist.

RATS Stint 23


Date: 19th January 2011

Observers: Brian Verity, Terry Sheppard and Marion Vincent

Location: Accessed from Bridle Road from Rothley to Thurcaston

OS Ref:SK5816011762-SK5806911813

Map Title: Site 308 South Field Close

Owners: Rothley Park Golf Club, Westfield Lane, Rothley

We have called this Stint 23 even though it leads on from Stint 22c. This is because it runs into a ploughed field before turning and heading for the golf course at Fairway 10. There is no evidence of a boundary and therefore nothing to record.

RATS Stint 24


Date: 26th January 2011

Observers: Brian Verity, Terry Sheppard and Marion Vincent

Location: Accessed from the Bridle Road from Rothley to Thurcaston

OS Ref: SK5806911813-SK5800811888

Map Title: Site 127 Rothley Park Golf Course

Owners: Rothley Park Golf Club, Westfield Lane, Rothley

This is another piece of 'lost' ancient boundary which runs across Fairway 10, then over the Bridle Road into another part of the golf course. Again, there is nothing to record but there is an ancient Oak stump that could indicate where the boundary used to be.

To continue to Stints 25-27 please click on the following link:

Last updated: Sat, 25 Feb 2017 15:46