27th September 2024

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RATS Stints 19-21

RATS Stint 19


Date: 26th May 2010

Observers: Terry Sheppard and Marion Vincent

Location: Field accessed from Brookfield Farm, Hallfields Lane, Rothley

OS Ref: SK5842112084-SK5834412026

Map Title: Site 223 Short Browns Ward and Site 222 Thomas Babingtons Carriageway

Owners: Bill Wright, Tenant Farmer, Brookfield Farm.

As in Stint 18d we did our visual recording of this stint at the base of the balk, or acclivity, and the hedgerow recording on the far side of the carriageway as this is still part of Temple land being a strip to connect the fields.

The hedgerow has a good selection of species and boundary trees of Ash and Oak and a Horse Chestnut. There is good, ancient trunks and layering of hawthorn with an excellent ditch. There is a height difference between the carriageway and the adjoining field which is Site 224 Dye House Close.

On the visual boundary side there are 10 Oak Trees in a line with additional Ash and Lime trees in places.

At the end of this Stint the carriageway turns to the right through Thorney Wong but will continue over an old track to the small, long copse of trees that borders Rothley Park Golf Course.

RATS Stint 20


Date: 15th June 2010 and 22nd June 2010

Observers: Terry Sheppard and Marion Vincent

Location: Site accessed from Bridle Road, through Site 227 Thorney Wong

OS Ref: SK 5834412026-SK5825111940

Map Title: Site 223 Short Browns Ward, over field lane to Site 225 Sewells Close and spinney boundary to Rothley Park Golf Course Site 127

Owners: Bill Wright, Brookfield Farm, Tony Cooper Southfield Farm and Rothley Park Golf Course (Sherrard Winterton)

This stint starts with 20a in Site 223 Short Browns Ward where there is no hedgerow but a good Ash Tree just before crossing a ditch and hedgerow taking us over a field lane (leading up to Site 212 Church Wardens' Land) to line up with a hedgerow bordering a small spinney which is a boundary of the Rothley Park Golf Course Site 127.

Where it joins the hedgerow there is a good sized Ash stump.

At this point we decided to do parallel stints, one from the field, Site 225 Sewells Close, and one inside the spinney on Site 127 Rothley Park Golf Club Course.

There are some good mixed hedgerow species here from the field side. When we go into the spinney there is an excellent boundary ditch with hedgerow species showing on both sides as a parallel hedgerow. One part was rather inaccessible but the old boundary is really good and shows so well. Stints 20b and 20c have therefore been recorded with parallel stints called 02b and 02c.

Stint 20d will start at the edge of the Golf Course and we have permission to go there early in the day before the golfers get active. It should be another interesting part of the stint as the ditch is clearly visible running through the greens.

22nd June 2010

A beautiful morning. We started at 8am to get on the greens before the golfers.

Stint 20d starts at SK5827011960 with an excellent ditch with one ancient hawthorn left in it as part of the golf course landscaping. Where the ditch abruptly ends its route is clearly visible over the greens as the grass does not flourish due to the grit infill to create the course.

It will be difficult to age this stint due to its route over field, into spinney and then on to the golf course but there are some good pointers to its history.

RATS Stint 21


Date: 22nd June 2010 and 19th January 2011

Observers: Terry Sheppard and Marion Vincent

Location: Site accessed over Rothley Park Golf Course from Bridle Road

OS Ref: SK5825111940, turns at SK5821211897, ends at SK5814511851

Map Title: Site 127 Rothley Park Golf Course

Owners: Rothley Park Golf Club

We continue over the golf course green along the site of the original boundary ditch which was filled in to create the golf course. The course of the ditch can be seen looking like an animal track and still with a slight dip. We are working along the old boundary between Thorney Wong and Pethefers Close.

At the end of Stint 21b there is an Ancient Ash Tree 634 with a girth of 3.4m and from there we are looking forward to more ancient spinney that remains between the golf course and the adjoining arable field. We can see the ancient ditch and a pond site so exciting times ahead.

We now have to wait until the late autumn before we can do more recording as the vegetation is too dense to get a good idea of the terrain.

19th January 2011

Due to the snow and ice that came so early we were not able to begin again until the start of the New Year.

Stint 21c starts at the edge of the golf course just before the Ancient Ash Tree 634 and then into the thicket that hides the evidence of the ancient boundary. The ditch is in good condition, maintained by the club, and it runs into the remnants of a pond which needs to be traced on the old maps. The pond would not support wildlife as it is shallow and full of leaves due to the surrounding vegetation. However, it is on the old maps so it has been recorded as Pond 49, Pethefers Pond.

Walking in the ditch, which meanders in this part of the stint, there are some good trees which although not measuring up to ancient are notable for their positions on the boundary. There are three Ash Trees and a good sized Willow.

Due to the way the ditch meanders there is no hedgerow actually alongside but along the edge of the adjoining field.

In Stint 21d we still have a good ditch and this is where the ancient layering of hawthorn is most evident as the ancient boundary. Both 21c and d are enclosed on one side by immature thicket especially dead elm.

To continue to Stints 22-24 please click on the following link:

Last updated: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 14:57