27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley

RATS Stints 1-3

RATS Stint 1

The start was later amended to the corner of Wellsic Lane and Westfield Lane

The start was later amended to the corner of Wellsic Lane and Westfield Lane


Date: 25th January 2012 (Amended version. Original started on the 29th April 2009)

Observers: Terry Sheppard and Marion Vincent

Location: Rothley Park Cricket Ground, into corner field leading to rear entrance of Park Farm

OS Ref: SK58011252

Map Title: Site 120 Cricket Ground Field, Site 279 Wellsic Lane Field

Owners: Tony Cooper, Southfield Farm, Rothley

After Terry's visit to the National Archive and his research on this Ancient Boundary it was discovered that we had started our Temple Survey from the wrong point. We needed to move just along the Westfield Lane to get the correct beginning of our stint and the original carriageway entrance to The Temple. The Temple Boundary Sketch Book of 1882, held in the National Archive, shows this part of the ancient boundary as 'Def', Defaced.

There is still no hedgerow in this amended part of the stint as we cross the corner of Site 120 Rothley Park (Cricket Ground Field). Stint 1a is fully in the park but we cross into Site 279 Wellsic Lane Field during Stint 1b. Instead of the fence when we were there doing the original stint it is now electric fencing defining the driveway to parking on the edge of the Cricket Ground. Fencing remains beyond the vehicular access gate to the parking area.

Stints 1c and d continue along the fence line as in our original survey in April 2009.

This time, we have added an extra stint, Stint 1d(2) as the original 120 m stint has extended to 163m due to moving the start point further along the Westfield Lane.

We end up in the same place as in April 2009 at the start of Stint 2 in the farmyard of Park Farm.

The outbuildings in the farmyard have been put forward for planning but still not granted in January 2012. The old Threshing Barn would be converted, the pig sties into garages and new houses. This is an historic part of Rothley and is looking rather sad without much needed care of historic buildings.

Stint 1d looking to Park Farm. January 2012

Stint 1d looking to Park Farm. January 2012

RATS Stint 2


Date: 29th April 2009

Observers: Terry Sheppard and Marion Vincent

Location: Park Farm, Town Green St. into Rothley Park

OS Ref: SK5809312396-SK5800512320

Map Title: No map Title for Park Farm, Site 120 Rothley Park Cricket Ground.

Owners: Mr Tony Cooper, Southfield Farm, Rothley

This stint starts just 3 metres from the end of Stint 1 as it completely changes direction. We are in the outer curtilage of Park Farm farmyard and working towards the back garden boundaries of the houses along Town Green Street.

The stint starts at the end of an old granite wall with the end broken possibly due to being bumped by farm machinery and continues over the yard until it runs along another granite wall, possibly original, but not in a good state. We then move over the farmyard boundary into Rothley Park. Still no hedgerow but the granite wall continues at the back of the garden to The Old House. We then have a modern brick wall to the next property but old parkland railings have been retained which curve round to give an interesting garden boundary but not the one that we are following. The railings part of the Temple Boundary in Stint 2c change to a newly planted traditional Hawthorn hedge dated 2009 This continues in a straight line until it reaches the Public Footpath at SK5800612325 where it changes direction to run along the path towards Town Green Street for a very short way ending at SK5800512320.

RATS Stint 3


Date: 20th May 2009

Observers: Terry Sheppard, Marion Vincent and Brian Verity

Location: Accessed from Town Green Street into Rothley Park

OS Ref: SK5800512320-SK5793512240

Map Title: Site 120 Rothley Park Cricket Field and Site 145 Orchard

Owners: Mr Tony Cooper, Southfield Farm, Rothley.

This stint takes us from the Public Footpath, along the boundary of the Orchard with its hawthorn hedge and out into the parkland.

This hedge has grown up over the past few years and now disguises how the ground used to look when Terry remembered it as a mound.

The parkland gives no real clues as to its direction but there is evidence of a ditch running out of the Orchard.

We can only do our best to follow the ancient boundary using the maps and possible bumps in the existing ground.

To continue to Stint 4 please click on the following link:

Last updated: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 19:09