27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley


Although there is a large woodland area at the back of The Grange beyond what is now the gardens to the residential buildings it was once part of the gardens that were landscaped by Colonel and Mrs Robinson.

In 2014 we still have the remnants of the Japanese Garden in the woodland with lots of Bamboo and Knotweed. Both species reproduce at a fast rate as does the Bracken.
Japanese Knotweed is now a banned plant.

In April 2002 it was recorded that Dogs Mercury, Bluebell, Wood Anemone and Ramsons were growing in the woodland which are plants that indicate ancient woodland giving this area older origins. These plants were also recorded in 2013. The shrub layer has become very dense so this excludes the light from the woodland floor and halts the spread of these old species.

An old willow came down in 2013 so this might allow more light by the banks of the channel

Ramsons give a wonderful smell of garlic in early spring

Ramsons give a wonderful smell of garlic in early spring

Wood anemone

Wood anemone

English Bluebells

English Bluebells

Dogs Mercury
This is an important plant as it indicates that the area where it is growing was once ancient woodland

Dogs Mercury
This is an important plant as it indicates that the area where it is growing was once ancient woodland

In October 2001 Charnwood Wildlife carried out a Site Survey Ref W 5812/4 and that included the dense stands of Knotweed and Bamboo but also recorded were Wood Avens, Dogs Mercury, Herb Robert, Bracken, Male Fern, Hart's Tongue Fern and Soft Shield Fern.

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Last updated: Sun, 08 Jan 2017 11:01