27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Planning Applications

Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. Town & Parish councils receive details of applications and are consulted on them. They can submit their views (taking into account parishioners' views), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to a parish to provide local insight and may not follow the parish's view. The public should send comments to both the Parish and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. The Town or Parish Clerk's contact details are at the top of the page. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.

Mon, 3 Oct 2022

Fell 1 no. goat willow and 1 no. early mature ash

31 Woodgate Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7LL

Mon, 29 Jul 2024

Confirmation that all conditions have been discharged on P/12/2456/2

Land off Mountsorrel Lane Rothley Leicestershire

Mon, 1 Aug 2022

T1 Oak heavily leaning tree with large spreading crown - Reduce by 2.0m & crown lift to 3.0m T2 Silver Birch Included bark and cracked at the point of the main forks in danger of failing - Fell T3 Ash self set tree growing very close to the boundary causing damage to the retaining wall - Fell

14 Cross Green Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7PF

Mon, 8 Jan 2024

Application to prune 1no Oak Tree protected by CBC Tree Preservation Order

Bluebell House 7 Wellsic Lane, Rothley, Leicester, LE7 7QB

Thu, 8 Aug 2024

Dismantling and re-erection of existing elevation using salvaged materials (following demolition of outbuildings and chimney) and erection of two storey extension to front and two storey extension to side of dwelling.

47A Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NU

Mon, 3 Oct 2022

T1 Magnolia - Pollard at approx. 3.5m.

33 Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NU

Wed, 25 Jan 2023

Silver birch- crown reduction to previous points

33 Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NU

Thu, 17 Aug 2023

T1 (Silver Birch) Works: a. Raise canopy to 4m. b. Shorten limb along rear of house. c. Remove limb over side path. d. Reduce width by shortening prominent limbs to sides only. (not affectiing top growth). e. Clear roof by 2m removing entire branches where appropriate. Reason - Prevent damage to house, Maintain tree in suitable size and shape considering the location adjacent to the property.

11 Fowke Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7PJ

Mon, 31 Oct 2022

T1 Twisted willow - fell. T2 Chestnut - reduce branches by 1.2 m max on the garden side T3 Oak - reduce branches by 1 m max on the garden side, . T4 Cotoneaster - reduce by 1 metre T5 and T6 Silver Birch - reduce tips of crown by 1 m Max

89 Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NW

Tue, 5 Sep 2023

T1 Dying Crab Apple to Fell to near ground. T2 Plum, remove 1 low limb. T3 Oak Tree reduce the upper tips by 1.2 to 1.5 metres. T4 Sycamore - Gently Raise the crown to 2.4 metres. Tree works required to maintain trees around the property.

97 Town Green Street Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NW

Thu, 18 Jul 2024

Relaying and recontouring of existing tarmac footpath and car park to improve drainage. Resurfacing of car park and addition of soakaway/drainage works (Lawful Development Certificate for Proposed Development)

St Marys Church,Church Street,Rothley,Leicestershire,LE7 7PD

Mon, 27 Jun 2022

Outline consent proposing residential development of up to 5 no. dwellings, with private access drive (following demolition and removal of all existing buildings within the Site) (ACCESS ONLY)

Land to the rear of 163 Mountsorrel Lane Rothley Leicestershire

Thu, 6 Jun 2024

Variation of Section 106 agreement for P/12/1741/2 (to remove the requirement to provide a bridge)

Land at Brookfield Farm Hallfields Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NF

Wed, 20 Sep 2023

LCC TPO. DC to print off application and send to Jason Peach when next in office (12/10/23). LCC issued a decision Consenting the works on 14/11/23. Prune 1no Oak tree protected by Leicestershire County Council Tree Preservation Order. Works to include reducing branches on the property side by 2 metres and the removal of epicorminc growth and deadwood.

20 Homefield Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7NE

Tue, 12 Mar 2024

Reserved Matters application pursuant to Outline Approval ref: P/20/2140/2, Erection of 70 dwellings and associated works including landscaping, drainage infrastructure & access to existing allotments (Reserved Matters of P/20/2140/2, including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale), Land South of Farmers Way/Brookfield Road, Rothley, Leicestershire.

Land to the South of Farmers Way/Brookfield Road Rothley Leicestershire

Tue, 6 Aug 2024

Outline planning application (access only) for one dwelling, demolition of garage and associated works (self-build)

43 Cross Lane Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7BU

Thu, 11 Jul 2024

Discharge of Planning Condition 10 (Landscape Management Plan) of Planning Application ref: P/20/2140/2 (Erection of new detached school building to rear of existing primary school including relocation of hard ball court, additional staff parking and extension to drop off car park with extended access (full application) and erection of up to 70 dwellings including landscaping, drainage infrastructure and access to existing allotments with all matters reserved except access (outline permission) Revised scheme P/20/0610/2 refers)

Rothley Church Of England Primary School 2 Burrow Drive Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7RZ

Mon, 1 Aug 2022

Cross referenced to the attached plan T008 Maple T013 Thorn T014 and T016 both Kilmarnock willow ornamental trees T015 Cypress All the above to be removed as part of a plan to landscape the garden. T009 Birch suppressed by oak limited long term prospects G019 thinning of the group by the removal of individual stems to be agreed with the LPA Tree officer T010 Oak - crown lift the canopy to give a 2.5m maximum clearance over the garden only. Also to reduce the canopy extending over the owners garden only (to the south) by 2.5m maximum T011 Oak crown lift the canopy to give a 3.5m maximum clearance over the garden only to facilitate the removal of the existing summerhouse and possible installation of a new one. Also to reduce the canopy extending over the owners garden only (to the south) by 2.5m maximum

93 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SH

Mon, 24 Apr 2023

T1 European Lime (Tilia x europaea) Basal decay present from Ganoderma applanatum/adspesum, Fruiting bodies are located on the western side of the stem base between the buttress. Take down to ground level.

135 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SH

Thu, 26 May 2022

Rear Garden of 137 Swithland lane: T1, T2, T3, T4 Young self set Ash trees in close proximity to the boundary belonging to 137 Swithland Lane. One of which is touching the fence and another overhanging boundary by approx. 80% ??? Take down all 4 trees T5 Portuguese Laurel belonging to 137 Swithland Lane Cut back overhang whilst retaining natural form T6 Conifer - Cut back by up to 1m on the face to a height of 6m T8 Conifer belonging to 135 Swithland Lane - reduce in height by 4m

135 & 137 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SH

Tue, 25 Apr 2023

T5 Conifer - Bark included union located at approximately 1.7m bifurcates into two of the tree's main stems.Reduce height by up to 3.5m to reduce stress on a bark included union

137 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SH

Thu, 22 Jun 2023


89 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SH

Wed, 3 Aug 2022

Removal of single oak tree in rear garden to 151 Swithland Lane and replacement with a smaller, less imposing species more suited to the size of the back garden. It currently blocks a considerable amount of light out from my property and that of our neighbours both to the side and behind. The key issue however is the bird excrement that is left over a significant proportion of the garden (predominately wood pigeons and crows), on the lawn and other areas. Roughly a third of our garden is rendered virtually unuseable because everything gets covered in it, representing a health risk to my 4 young children who want to enjoy the outside space. We have tried various attempts to use 'scare' tactics (eg pretend bird of prey models in the garden and hanging CDs etc) but nothing seems to put the birds off from sitting in it. My neighbours behind us on Gypsy lane have applied to have it pruned back. But having tried different solutions and lived with it for a number of years now, I think I've finally decided that it makes sense to make the application to have it removed completely, before money is potentially wasted on pruning.

151 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SH

Fri, 28 Apr 2023

Fell and grind stump of cedar tree in middle of lawn

Southview 10 Westfield Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7LH

Fri, 28 Apr 2023

1 x conifer - to fell

Orchard House 86 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SE

Wed, 3 Aug 2022

T1 - Sycamore Work - Remove T2 & T3 - 2x Lawsons Cypress Work - Remove T4 & T5 - 2x Leyland Cypress Work - Remove T6 - Larch Work - Remove

73 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SG

Thu, 10 Aug 2023

T1 - Pinus nigra - Remove

73 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SG

Mon, 4 Sep 2023

T1 Deodar Cedar Works: Remove Tree Reason: The tree is located in a position which is far too close to the property and has no future potential due to lack of space to grow.

73 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SG

Thu, 12 May 2022

TPO1-Horse Chestnut tree - Reduce weight from large limb with inclusion by removing not more than 3.5 metres to suitable growth points in accordance to BS3998 Standard 2010. Crown lift by up to 5 metres to give adequate clearance.

155 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SJ

Tue, 17 May 2022

T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8-Conifer trees - Reduce and reshape by not more than 4 metres T9,T10,T11,T12-Cedar trees - Fell. T13-Willow tree - Re-pollard to previous points. T14,T15-Silver Birch trees - Crown lift by up to 4.5 metres, T16-Cherry tree - Reduce and reshape by not more than 2 metres. T17-Bay tree - Reduce to a height of 2 metres, T18-Berberis tree - Reduce by not more than 3 metres, T19-Holly tree - Reduce by not more than 2 metres, T20-Magnolia tree - Reduce and reshape by not more than 4.5 metres, T21-Hazel tree - Coppice, T22- Laurel - Reduce to a height of 2 metres, T23-Conifer tree - Reduce by not more than 3 metres, T24-Cherry Plum tree - Reduce and reshape by not more than 3.5 metres and crown lift by up to 3 metres, T25-Hawthorn - Reduce to a height of 2 metres, T26-Cedar tree - fell

155 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SJ

Thu, 31 Aug 2023

Eucalyptus tree in rear garden: Remove Tree Planned removal due to tree mainly growing over the neighbouring property. Currently getting out of control.

11 Westfield Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7LH

Wed, 25 May 2022

T1 - Lime Works - Remove Primary limb growing over the rear corner of no 76 Swithland Ln. Prune secondary branches to clear property by 2.5m Reason - Prevent Impact with gutters and tiles.

76 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SE

Mon, 31 Oct 2022

T1 and T2 Sycamore - Fell due to Sooty Bark Disease G1 Damson - Fell - Over mature

33 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SG

Wed, 5 Jun 2024

Erection of custom build/self build 2.5 storey detached house, triple garage, formation of vehicular access and associated driveway and landscaping works. (Revised scheme P/21/1221/2 refers)

173 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SJ

Fri, 1 Sep 2023

T1, T2, T3 & T4 on the site plan provided (drawing number 8442_05_17), 4 no. Conife Whole Tree Removal of all 4 trees.

9 Brownhill Crescent Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7LA

Wed, 8 Jun 2022

3 x lombardy poplars- crown reduce by 40-50%

54 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SE

Thu, 31 Aug 2023

Crown Reduce 1 No TPO Protected Sycamore Tree By 2.5m height and 1.5m Width And Remove 1 No TPO Protected Ash Tree For Reasons Of Ash Dieback.

20 Swithland Lane Rothley Leicestershire LE7 7SE

Tue, 9 Apr 2024

Outline application for public open space, sports pitches, recreation facilities and allotments with associated pavilion and storage building and car parking (all matters reserved except for access)

Land off Seaton Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7YH

Tue, 19 Dec 2023

Discharge of Conditions 4 (Landscaping), 7 (Landscape Management Plan) and 8 (Boundary Treatment) of Planning Application ref: P/20/2361/2 (Residential Development of 50 dwellings and associated infrastructure)

Land off Halstead Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7HG

Fri, 7 Jul 2023

Outline application for up to 40 dwellings (All Matters Reserved except for Access onto The Ridings (TO BE CONFIRMED)

Land on the North East side of The Ridings Rothley Leicestershire

Fri, 11 Aug 2023

T8 (Leylandii): whole tree removal. T9 (Leylandii): whole tree removal. Trees are fire damaged and close to building with some damage to paving. Intending to replace with two fruit trees.

31 Watling Street Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7BD

Thu, 10 Nov 2022

Proposed conversion of care home to 9no. flats, including two storey rear extension, and associated works (including demolition of existing two storey rear extension)

Quarry Hill Grange Residential Home Watling Street Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7BD

Fri, 26 Apr 2024

Proposed site compound associated with the wider construction of the Broodnook Garden Village. The compound would be used for the storage of materials, storage of plant and machinery and parking for contractor vehicles.

The Cottage Wanlip Hill Farm Loughborough Road Wanlip Leicestershire

Wed, 3 Aug 2022

Fell 1 yew tree

Craven House 41 Leicester Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7AJ

Wed, 14 Sep 2022

Crown reduce cotoneaster by 35%

8 The Homestead Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7HS

Fri, 13 May 2022

T1, Beech, overall crown reduction by approx 2-3m Unbalanced crown due to adjacent tree removal (date unknown) Signs of Ganoderma on the main stem. Poor union with included bark. T2, Pine, Remove several low branches and reduce the upper crown by 1-2m to reduce the overhang to the neighbouring property. (Neighbour complaint)

33 Barons Way Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7EA

Fri, 12 Apr 2024

Discharge of Conditions 8 (Tree Protection Measures), 9 (Materials) and 10 (Boundary Treatment) of Planning Application ref:P/23/2050/2 (Conversion of existing Vehicle Showroom and Garage to create Cafe, 2 x Retail Units and Soft Play unit (Use Class E))

14 - 18 Loughborough Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7AT

Fri, 10 May 2024

Change of use from Soft Play unit (Use Class E) to Pizza Restaurant (Use Class E)

14 - 18 Loughborough Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7AT

Mon, 1 Jul 2024

Discharge of Condition 7 (Arboricultural Method Statement) of Planning Application ref:P/23/0335/2 (1.5 storey rear extension to and refurbishment of existing dwelling and construction of 2 new dwellings)

Mill House 20 Loughborough Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7AT

Thu, 18 Jul 2024

Erection of 2no. two-bedroom bungalows with associated works to include landscaping and parking

Caravan 180 Leicester Road Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JN

Thu, 8 Aug 2024

Change of use of part of premises from B8 Use to mixed use of B2 and B8.

Birstall Industrial Estate Unit 48 3 Coal Cart Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3BY

Mon, 7 Nov 2022

Rear Garden T1 prunus - overhangin from neighbour - prune back overhang T2 acer - fell T3 sycamore - fell T4 conifer - fell T5 silver birch - fell Front garden T6 conifer - fell T6 s

Thurcaston Lodge 42A Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JA

Mon, 15 Aug 2022

Birch Tree nearest to the road 2m off in height, and a slight thin of the tree. Birch Tree nearest to house. Two overgrown branches 3m in height need reducing back to fit in with crown of tree Maple tree at front of property nearest road. Needs a reduction of 4m in height Birch tree at the back of property, needs a thin and a reduction of 2m

39 Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JB

Wed, 17 Aug 2022

Fell 1 no. eucalyptus instead of reducing it.

Bridle House 13A Nursery Lane Quorn Leicestershire LE12 8BH

Mon, 7 Nov 2022

T7 Loquot - fell T14 cedar - reduce by 5m height T21 juniper - fell T23 plum - fell T33 sycamore - remove 4 lowest branches

41 Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JB

Mon, 24 Jan 2022

T1 Yew (Taxus baccata) - Remove to ground level and grind stump. T2 Purple Plum (Prunus cerasifera) - Pollard to 12ft. . T3 Lilac (Syringa vulgaris), next to Plum - Coppice to around 1-2ft. T4 Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris) - Balance crown by reducing 3 overextended limbs.

White House 77 Rectory Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JR

Wed, 3 Aug 2022

T1 willow reduce to 5m T2 & 3 - 2 self seeded beech trees to fell

Oaklands 64A Main Street Cossington Leicestershire LE7 4UU

Wed, 14 Sep 2022

Fell 1 x self set horse chestnut

56 Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JA

Tue, 11 Apr 2023

1 conifer - to be reduced by 1/3

56 Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JA

Thu, 1 Sep 2022

Proposed mobile home/caravan, to be used as ancillary residential accommodation(Lawful Development Certificate for Proposed Development)

62 Hawcliffe Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7AH

Wed, 5 Apr 2023

Discharge of Conditions 29 (site wide landscape and biodiversity management strategy) and 30 (Phase Green Infrastructure Biodiversity Management Plan) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2

Land North of Birstall Broadnook Birstall Leicestershire

Wed, 21 Jun 2023

Reserved matters in relation to Road 2 and 3 (highway adjacent residential parcel 1) (hybrid permission P/22/0333/2 relates)

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall

Wed, 8 Nov 2023

Variation of condition 40 (approved plans) of P/22/0333/2 to include alternative detailed layout, house types, landscaping and scale of parcel B2 and part A2 (increase from 102 units to 115) (P/16/1660/2 relates)

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Thu, 11 Jan 2024

Reserved Matters for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Road 3b, 3c, 3d and 4b (hybrid permission P/22/0333/2 relates)

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall

Tue, 5 Mar 2024

Discharge of Conditions 16ii (Site Access, internal infrastructure including spine road, pedestrian and cycle crossings, footpaths, cycleways, bridleways) 16vi (Green infrastructure including open space, play space, informal and/or formal sports and recreation facilities, allotments), 16vii (Integration of bat roosting and bird boxes), 16ix (External Lighting),16x (Public Transport Infrastructure), 16xi (Links to existing rights-of-way) and 16xii (timing and sequencing of development) of Planning Permision P/22/0333/2 in relation to Parcel 1.

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall

Tue, 5 Mar 2024

Discharge of Condition 24 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) of Planning Permission P/22/0333/2 in relation to Parcel 1.

Broadnook Land North of Birstall, Birstall Leicestershire

Tue, 5 Mar 2024

Discharge of Condition 25 (Surface Water Management) of Planning Permission P/22/0333/2 in relation to Parcel 1

Broadnook,Land North of Birstall,Leicestershire,Birstall,

Tue, 5 Mar 2024

Discharge of Condition 31 (Phased Construction Environmental Management Plan) of Planning Permission P/22/0333/2 in relation to Parcel 1.

Broadnook,Land North of Birstall,Birstall,Leicestershire,

Tue, 23 Apr 2024

Section 73 Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans), 3 (Highways Layout), 5 (Private Drainage and External Works), 6 (Solar Panels and EV) and 8 (Bin Collection Points) of Planning Application ref P/23/0499/2 (Reserved matters application for 107 dwellings and associated infrastructure at Parcel 1, including discharge of condition 16 iii (housing mix), 16 iv (site wide affordable housing strategy) and condition 17 (programme of reserved matters) (P/22/0333/2 relates)). (Please refer to covering letter for proposed variations)

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Mon, 8 Jul 2024

Approval of access appearance landscaping layout and scale (reserved matters) of Road 5 (employment spine road) (P/16/1660/2, P/22/0333/2 and P/23/1555/2 relates)

Broadnook Land north of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Fri, 14 Jun 2024

Variation of Condition 16 (Employment Uses and Floorspace) of P/23/1555/2 to include sui generis use (car showroom) - Hybrid planning application comprising: Outline application (with all matters reserved on those areas not subject to the detailed proposals) for erection of 1,950 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), 15 hectares of employment land (Use Class B1(a), B1(c), B2 & B8) and sui generis use (car showroom), erection of a primary school (Use Class D1), a local centre comprising of shops, supermarket (Use Class A1), financial & professional services (Use Class A2), restaurants/cafes (Use Class A3), drinking establishments (Use Class A4), hot food takeaway (Use Class A5), business (use Class B1a), erection of an assisted living retirement village of up to 175 units & 70 bed care home (Use Class C2), non - residential institutions (Use Class D1) and assembly and leisure (Use Class D2), erection of a community resource centre providing a mix of uses, provision of 4 plots for travelling show people, green infrastructure, outdoor sport provision, public open space/parkland, allotments, arboretum, extended rights of way, and associated landscaping and infrastructure; and detailed planning application relating to the erection of 206 dwellings (Use Class C3), erection of two separate lodge/gate houses (Use Class C3), a countryside park with sports pitches, sports pavilion, structural landscaping, biodiversity parkland, details of drainage and internal access roads, and the provision of the primary access including the details of the signalised roundabout to the A6 Dual Carriageway, site access works and the provision of a two way local link to Loughborough Road, Rothley (P/24/0958/2, P/23/1555/2, P/23/1557/2, P/22/0333/2, P/16/1660/2 relates)

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Fri, 14 Jun 2024

Display of 12no. non-illuminated advertisement signs, 1no. projecting sign and 4no. flagpole signs (Advertisement Consent)

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall

Wed, 12 Jun 2024

Discharge of Condition 9 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development)

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Wed, 12 Jun 2024

Discharge of Condition 16 (Green infrastructure including open space, site access, footpaths, cycleways, external lighting, integration of bat roosting and bird boxes, and timing & sequencing of development) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development).

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Tue, 2 Jul 2024

Section 73 - Variation of Condition 50 (approved plans) of Planning Permission P/23/1555/2 (alternative design and layout of parcel P3) - Hybrid planning application comprising: Outline application (with all matters reserved on those areas not subject to the detailed proposals) for erection of 1,950 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), 15 hectares of employment land (Use Class B1(a), B1(c), B2 & B8) and sui generis use (car showroom), erection of a primary school (Use Class D1), a local centre comprising of shops, supermarket (Use Class A1), financial & professional services (Use Class A2), restaurants/cafes (Use Class A3), drinking establishments (Use Class A4), hot food takeaway (Use Class A5), business (use Class B1a), erection of an assisted living retirement village of up to 175 units & 70 bed care home (Use Class C2), non - residential institutions (Use Class D1) and assembly and leisure (Use Class D2), erection of a community resource centre providing a mix of uses, provision of 4 plots for travelling show people, green infrastructure, outdoor sport provision, public open space/parkland, allotments, arboretum, extended rights of way, and associated landscaping and infrastructure; and detailed planning application relating to the erection of 206 dwellings (Use Class C3), erection of two separate lodge/gate houses (Use Class C3), a countryside park with sports pitches, sports pavilion, structural landscaping, biodiversity parkland, details of drainage and internal access roads, and the provision of the primary access including the details of the signalised roundabout to the A6 Dual Carriageway, site access works and the provision of a two way local link to Loughborough Road, Rothley (P/24/0958/2, P/23/1555/2, P/23/1557/2, P/22/0333/2, P/16/1660/2 relates)

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Mon, 17 Jun 2024

Discharge of Condition 18 - Development Parcel works including (ii) site accesses, (vi) green infrastructure, (vii) bat roosting and bird boxes, (ix) external lighting, (x) public transport infrastructure, (xi) links to existing rights of way, (xii) timing and sequencing) of planning permission P/23/1555/2 (P/22/0333/2, P/16/1660/2 and P/23/0889/2 relates).

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Mon, 17 Jun 2024

Discharge of Conditions 5 (Details of roof integrated solar PV), 6 (Details of Lighting for shared drives above slab level), and 7 (Details of Permeable Hard Surfacing above slab level) of Planning Application ref: P/23/0889/2 (Reserved Matters application for 154 dwellings and associated infrastructure (P/23/1555/2, P/22/0333/2 and P/16/1660/2 relates))

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Mon, 1 Jul 2024

Discharge of Condition 24 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development).

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Mon, 1 Jul 2024

Discharge of Condition 27 (Drainage Plans for the Disposal of Foul Sewage) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development).

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Mon, 1 Jul 2024

Discharge of Condition 25 (Surface Water Management) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2 (Variation of conditions 13 (compliance with plans), 15 (phasing and delivery), 18 (Broadnook Centre in accordance with Planning Brief), 21 (Development Framework Planning Brief for resi phase 2 and 3), 22 (Planning and Design Brief for employment area), 23 (landscape principles), 24 (surface water drainage),& 40 (approved drawings) of hybrid application P/16/1660/2 to amend the Illustrative Masterplan and Parameter Plans in order to transpose an employment parcel with a residential parcel to allow for a first phase of residential development).

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Tue, 9 Jul 2024

Discharge of Conditionss 5 (External Facing Materials), 6 (Lighting to shared drives) 7 (Permeable Hard Surfacing ) and 8 (Bin Collection Points) of Planning Application ref: P/23/1556/2 (Reserved matters approval for access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for 127 dwellings on Parcel A2 (P/23/1555/2, P/22/0333/2 and P/16/1660/2 relates))

Broadnook (Parcel A2),Land North of Birstall,Leicestershire

Thu, 11 Jul 2024

Reserved Matters Application (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for Community Resource Centre (Broadnook Hall). Application ref: P/23/1555/2 relates (Variation of condition 40 (approved plans) of P/22/0333/2 to include alternative detailed layout, house types, landscaping and scale of parcel B2 and part A2 (increase from 102 units to 115) (P/16/1660/2 relates))

Broadnook Land north of Birstall Leicestershire

Thu, 8 Aug 2024

Discharge of Conditions 9 (Construction Traffic Management Plan), 38 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 50 (Approved Plans) and 52 ( External surface treatments) of Planning Permission ref: P/23/1555/2 (Variation of condition 40 (approved plans) of P/22/0333/2 to include alternative detailed layout, house types, landscaping and scale of parcel B2 and part A2 (increase from 102 units to 115) (P/16/1660/2 relates))

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Fri, 19 Jul 2024

Discharge of Condition 40 (Arboricultural Method Statement) of Planning Application ref: P/23/1555/2 (Variation of condition 40 (approved plans) of P/22/0333/2 to include alternative detailed layout, house types, landscaping and scale of parcel B2 and part A2 (increase from 102 units to 115) (P/16/1660/2 relates))

Broadnook Land North of Birstall Birstall Leicestershire

Fri, 17 Nov 2023

T12 - Thin the crown by 10% universally to increase light reaching the garden immediately south. - Reduce the southern aspect of the crown by 3m, leaving 4m from the stem, where conflict occurs with existing single-storey outbuilding. - Raise the southern aspect of the crown from 3m to 5m where it overhangs the aforementioned outbuilding T13 - Thin the crown by 10% universally to increase light reaching the garden immediately south. - Remove deadwood. - Remove lower branches with defects that are deemed to present a risk of failure (tree has been previously reduced and crown comprises weakly-attached regrowth. Several lower branches have potential hazard features, including decay at former side-branch fracture points). -Raise the southern aspect of the crown from 2.5m to 4m to achieve balance with T12. G2 - Remove cypress trees (T7, T9 and T10 and younger cypress not individually surveyed) from the ornamental garden group G2. T40 - Remove as a priority due to likely risk of failure. - Notes on condition from tree survey: sounding mallet confirms hollowing to the lower 1m of the stem. 0.6m probe disappears through basal cavity into lower stem, and up from cavity too - extensive, longstanding decay to lower stem. Dieback and decline to the crown. Stem leans to the south-west. Unidentified mushrooms to decayed wood material at base.

Orchard House 102 Main Street Cossington Leicestershire LE7 4UX

Thu, 26 May 2022

T1-T7 poplar - crown reduce by 6m to reduce the wind sail weight of the trees

100 Main Street Cossington Leicestershire LE7 4UX

Thu, 28 Jul 2022

Outline Application for the development of up to 19no. dwellings with sustainable drainage, local area for play and associated landscaping (All matters reserved except access)

Land at the Former Rectory Anstey Lane Thurcaston Leicestershire LE7 7JA

Thu, 31 Aug 2023

G1 - Row of 5x Mature Beech Trees Work: Raise canopy to 6m. Reduce spread by 3m to either side. Thin canopy by 20%. Reason: As the trees continue to mature their spread increases and dominates the gardens to either side. It is considered preferable for the trees health to minimise work to height and rather manage width, density and canopy height to reduce impact on garden.

10 Guild Close Cropston Leicestershire LE7 7HT

Thu, 8 Aug 2024

Discharge of Conditions 17 (Humble Lane Emergency Access), 27 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) and 30 (Infiltration Testing) of Planning Application ref: P/20/2393/2 (Development of up to 130 dwellings, provision of land for school expansion, open space and children's play area. Outline application with all matters reserved except access)

Land to the rear of Derry's Garden Centre Cossington Leicestershire

Fri, 31 May 2024

Discharge of Conditions 5 (Contamination) and 8 (Piling/Foundation designs) of Planning Application ref: P/23/1138/2 (Erection of a detached building to include offices and staff facilities)

Wanlip Sand And Gravel Wanlip Road Syston Leicestershire LE7 1PD

Mon, 1 Aug 2022

2 x Ash trees that have grown up together, 1 is diseased and needs pollarding, the other has poor form and will require cutting back as it relies on the diseased ash for support and will also required to be pollarded to the same degree as tree 1.

8 Church Road Wanlip Leicestershire LE7 4PJ

Tue, 16 Jan 2024

Proposed conversion of existing barns to 3no. dwellings with associated amenity space, car parking and refuse storage facilities

Barns to rear 33 Little Church Lane Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7NE

Tue, 16 Jan 2024

Proposed conversion of existing barns to 3no. dwellings with associated amenity space, car parking and refuse storage facilities (Listed Building Consent)

Barns to rear 33 Little Church Lane Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7NE

Thu, 23 Nov 2023

T1 Williow - snapped out limb and clear fence of all overhanging by 2m T2 Willow - remove to ground level T3 Field Maple crown lift to 2.5m G1 Cherry Laurel prune back away from the fence by 2m

Chine House Veterinary Hospital Sileby Hall 12 Cossington Road Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7RS

Mon, 1 Aug 2022

T1 Pinus nigra var spp laricio - Corsican pine Crown reduce by 2.5 metres in height and span. Neighbours and owners have concerns over branches overhanging parking area. Excessive build up of bird detritus attributed to roosting birds. Excessive shading. The tree does appear to be suffering with red band needle blight decreasing humidity within the crown maybe beneficial to managing this issue.

7 Old Vicarage Mews Mountsorrel Lane Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7FZ

Thu, 31 Aug 2023

9 Lime Trees : Crown Thin Whole Canopy

Martin's Walk Brook Street Sileby Leicestershire

Tue, 9 Jul 2024

Discharge of Conditions 3 (Accessibility), 4 (Construction Management Plan ), 5 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme, management and long term maintenance), 6 (Flood Mitigation Measures), 7 (Drainage Plans for the Disposal of Foul Sewage), 8 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 9 (Written Scheme of Investigation) and 10 (Noise Attenuation Measures) of Planning Application ref:P/21/0491/2 (Outline planning application for up to 170 dwellings (including affordable housing) with all matters reserved other than access together with associated landscaping and other infrastructure)

Land East of Cossington Road Sileby Leicestershire

Tue, 9 Jul 2024

Discharge of Conditions 4 (Finished Floor Levels), 5 (Enclosures along all Boundaries and within the site) and 6 (Soundproofing Scheme) of Planning Application ref: P/22/2309/2 (Application for Approval of Reserved Matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Outline Planning Permission APP/X2410/W/21/3287864 (P/21/0491/2) for the erection of up to 170 dwellings with associated access, landscaping and infrastructure)

Land East of Cossington Road,Sileby,Leicestershire

Tue, 9 Jul 2024

Discharge of Condition 2 (Soft Landscaping) of Planning Application ref: P/22/2309/2 (Application for Approval of Reserved Matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Outline Planning Permission APP/X2410/W/21/3287864 (P/21/0491/2) for the erection of up to 170 dwellings with associated access, landscaping and infrastructure)

Land East of Cossington Road Sileby Leicestershire

Mon, 28 Nov 2022

1 no plum tree - fell 1 no hawthorn - fell

2 Old School Court Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7LQ

Thu, 27 Jan 2022

Proposed change of use and extension of workshop (B1c) to form two dwellings (C3)

15A & 15B High Street Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7RX

Mon, 18 Dec 2023

Retrospective Application for retention of 2no. two-bedroom flats (Use Class C2)

18 Barrow Road Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7LP

Mon, 31 Oct 2022

Fell trees A & B Reduce all conifers identified on submitted plan

113 Main Street Swithland Leicestershire LE12 8TQ

Tue, 13 Dec 2022

T1 - Blue Atlas Cedar Work - Crown reduce to previous cuts T2 - Crimson King Maple Work - Re-pollard T3 - Crab Apple Work - Crown Reduce to previous cuts T4 - Drumundii Maple Work - Crown Reduce to previous cuts

111 Main Street Swithland Leicestershire LE12 8TQ

Wed, 27 Jul 2022

T1 Acer drummondii - Crown reduce by 25%, approx. 4-6ft. T2 Acer Crimson King - Crown reduce by 25%, approx. 5-8ft, raise foliage to 5.2m above road. T3 Acer Crimson King - Crown reduce by 25%, approx. 5-8ft, raise foliage to 5.2m above road.

109 Main Street Swithland Leicestershire LE12 8TG

Mon, 21 Nov 2022

T1 Acer Drummondii - Fell.

109 Main Street Swithland Leicestershire LE12 8TG

Last updated: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 22:18