27th September 2024

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Old Rothley Photographs Album 3 People in Old Rothley

Rothley Carnival 1917

This was taken on Cross Green looking to Mercury News and The Fire Station on the left. The balcony is still there in 2010. The building in the centre is advertising India Pale Ale costs 2/6 per dozen 1/2 pints and Light Dinner Ale at 3/- per dozen pints. This building is now a modern terrace of houses in 2010

If we roughly divide the above into three rows starting at the back left to right we so far have the following names:

Unknown, Connie Butherway (dark hair), Eunice Butherway (dark hair) Sidney Worden, Isabel (Bella) Elkerton (dark hair), Brenda Waldram, Joyce Elkerton, Sid Butherway, Kit Wells, Beattie Wells, Mrs Butherway, Mrs Fowkes, Charlie Worden, Charles Elkerton, Mrs Bowers (evacuee), Mrs Worden (with glasses).

Centre row:

Rosemary Copson, Sheila Palmer, Doreen Charlton, Iris Cole (evacuee), Margaret Hollings, Gladys Hyman, Michael Hyman, Alan Fowkes, John Hyman.

Front row:

Philip Elkerton, Geoffrey Hollings, Jean Wells, Patricia Godwin, Roderick Bowers (evacuee), Jill Bunney, Pat Spicer, Keith Perkins, Keith Elkerton, Kathleen Bowler, June White.

With thanks to Philip and Carol Elkerton for the photo and names. Thanks to Neville Baum for updating some names.

Photo taken in Hyman's Yard, Woodgate, Rothley and possibly a VE/VJ Party. The entrance to this yard was somewhere between Hyman's Garage (now demolished) and where Babington Court now stands.

Back row left to right:

M. Slawson, L. Bevins, J. Godwin, W. Exton

Front row left to right:

H. Weaver, J. Baguley, B. Patrick, E. Williams, B. Bunney

This would be the early 1940's but the name of the team still unknown.

The children are in their "Sunday Best" with all the girls wearing a bonnet. Everyone is carrying flowers or a basket of fruit.

This was an original postcard by City Studio, 30a Gallowtree Gate, Leicester price 2d each.

The wording on the back of this photograph says:

Committee & Friends

Service of Dedication

"Rothley Bed" No. 2


There is a nurse at the back in the doorway so this could be at a Leicester Hospital. Man third from right, front row, is Herbert Green who organised the Rothley Carnival to raise funds for a hospital bed. Edwin Marshall Hyman and his wife Irene Ashby Hyman (nee Bull) are on the right, just by the sign on the wall, with Edwin next to the lady in the black sloping hat and his wife is left of him.

Further information sought but these would all appear to be from Rothley.

Rothley Imps Football Team 1951-2

From the right:

2nd is Mr Warrington (Dennis?); 3rd Jim Esworthey; 8th Fred Phillips; 9th Walter Goodman; 10th Walter Lole. Thanks to Stuart Goodman, son of Walter Goodman, for this information.

Further information sought

The Street Party at the Old Crown, North Street, in 1977 to celebrate the Queen's Silver Jubilee.

People still to be identified but Veronica Smith (maiden name) is standing at the back to the right.

Rothley Play School met at the Village Hall, Fowke Street starting in the 1960's and the above was taken on an outing to the play area on Town Green Street Recreation Ground.

Rothley Carnival Queen 1939-40

Rothley Carnival Queen 1930-40
'Diver' Wright on the left, then Herbert Green who organised the carnival, Mavis Burton the Carnival Queen and unknown crowning her.

Further information being sought. However, young boy on the left is Walter Lole.

Still to be fully identified.
Back row:
Extreme right Hugh Mansfield
Front row:
Unknown, Ron Stokes, Peter Chester, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown

This is undated but looks to be early 1900's. The Woodman's Stroke was kept by the Hickling family and was also the undertakers.

Rothley School in the 1920's in School Street. Miss Haywood and Miss Hands, the Headmistress stand at the back of the class. Children were instructed to sit with their hands behind their backs for a photograph but not all heed the instruction! The young person at the front appears to be wearing a sash and has a bugle on the desk in front of him. This is George Wilfred Hunt, who later became the barber in Rothley at 19 Woodgate.
This information was given by his daughter, Sandie Lee (nee Hunt) on her visit from New Zealand in August 2016.

Decorations are strung from the ceiling.

The above photograph was taken in the very early 1950's and shows Miss Hemmings teaching the children. Kindly sent in by Neville Baum who is in the bottom right corner. Neville has identified the following pupils:

Row of desks to left of the picture:
Front desk: Peter Wilkinson (left) and Josephine Burley (right)
Next desk back: Judith Baum (left), Neville's sister, and Margaret Holt (right)
Next row:
Front desk; Unknown (left) and Thomas Mee (right)
Next desk back: Gillian Kinch (left, with bows in her hair, now Mrs Beaumont) next to empty seat.
Next row:
Front desk: Mary Hoult ( left but ?. Used to live in black and white farmhouse facing Town Green and backing on to Rothley Brook and (right) ?
Next desk back: ? (left) and Veronica Smith (right, with bows in hair)
Bottom right corner is Neville Baum sitting next to his cousin Pamela Nurse.
The girl above Pamela with bow in her hair is thought to be the eldest of the Barfields' two girls.

Neville also remembers that Miss Hands was his first teacher 1948/9

Still to be identified.

Woodfield Road VE Day party on the Martin's lawn.

Macaulay Road Coronation Party 1953. Rear of the Royal Oak, Cross Green, Rothley.
Names below

Macaulay Road party.

Neville Baum has sent the following information about the Macaulay Road party:
1. n/k. 2 Mrs Kinton. 3 Mrs Wightman. 4 Mrs Roche. 5 Mrs Porter. 6 n/k. 7 n/k. 8 Mrs Harris. 9 Mary Evans with her daughter Barbara Evans. 10 Mrs Seal. 11 Mrs Barret. 12 Mrs Ward. 13 Dorothy Wilkinson. 14 Mrs Petty holding son Ian. 15 Vera Chapman. 16 Gladys Deacon. 17 Irene Woolston. 18 Mrs Wright. 19 Mother of Mrs Seal (at 10). 20 Mrs Garner. 21 Carol Chapman. 22 Ethel Brown. 23 n/k. 24 Dorothy Foulds. 25 John Foulds. 26 n/k. 27 Edna Wickham. 28 Steven Wickham. 29 n/k. 30 Gladys Collins.
With thanks also to Sylvia, Carol and Linda for help with names. Also Barbara Evans.

Macaulay Road Coronation Party 1953. The rear of the Royal Oak, Cross Green, Rothley.

Names below

Thanks to Neville Baum for the following names and the help given by Sylvia, Carol and Linda:

1 n/k. 2 n/k. 3 n/k. 4 Philip Smith. 5 Richard Kinton. 6 ? Woods. 7 n/k. 8 Carol Chapman. 9 John Mackley?. 10 John Ward. 11 n/k. 12 Raymond Garner. 13 Linda Ward. 14 Carol Roche. 15 Carol Ward holding Stewart Ward. 16 Kenneth Lewis. 17 Richard Barret. 18 n/k. 19 n/k. 20 Linda Harris. 21 Colin Harris. 22 n/k. 23 n/k. 24 Joyce Brown. 25 n/k. 26 Carol Seal. 27 n/k. 28 Lynn Collins. 29 n/k. 30 Child? Possibly Alice Ward holding child. 31 Roger Kirkman? 32 Denise Ward. 33 Mabel Deacon. 34 n/k.

Rothley School in School Street taken around 1927. The children were told to sit with their arms folded behind them although the two on the front row failed to observe this instruction!

Taken around 1925 this shows the teachers Miss Haywood on the left and Miss Hands on the right. Children include Harry Hyman, second from right back row, Jack Holmes, Albert Harriman, Arthur Lakin, Phillip Turvey and John Kirk top right hand back row. Hilda Waldram is next but one to Miss Haywood.

Infant School in 1945, the knitting class in the playground at the school in School Street.

Susan Foster, front row extreme left and Ann Warren third from the left. Others to be identified.

Stu Goodman has added a few more names:
At the back is Mrs Hemmings with Wendy Green. Next to Wendy is Alan Beaumont, then David Toone in the dark jacket (his parents ran the little shop in Town Green Street) and in front of Alan is Don Welch and in front of him, sitting with his legs crossed, is Stu Goodman. To the left of Stu is Eric Allen, then Ann Warren and Susan Foster mentioned above and between them at the end is Susan's cousin Sheila Driver. Working from the right first is Aileen McKie, second is Susan Walsh, forth is Janet McKie, sixth is Ann Pratt and ninth is Jean Godwin.

Stu tells me that he is sure that the year is 1947, not 1945, and the boys were doing raffia work, not girly knitting! With thanks to Stu for adding to our history.

Rothley School 1953

Back row left to right:

Mr Hunter, Graham Steele, John Beaty, David Black, Eric Allen, Mr Edwards

Middle row left to right:

David Tailby, John Ward, David Perkins, Jimmy Gwilt, Roger Kinch

Front row left to right:

Peter Benford, Philip Elkerton

With thanks to Philip and Carol Elkerton for the above names.

Rothley School Football Team 1953

Back row left to right:

Mr Hunter, David Lole, Bobbin Squires, Richard Kinton, John Simmons, Roger Fowkes.

Middle row left to right:

Raymond Garner (son of Gladys and Herbert Garner of Macaulay Road), Peter Benford, Eric Allen, Philip Elkerton, Peter Hunter.

Front row left to right:

Ronald Guest, Gilbert Kinch.

Rothley Church Football Club 1925/6

Rothley Church Football Team

Rothley Junior Football Team 1959-1960

Back row l/r: K Kinch, D Wilkinson, P Young, Van Ryan, G Harris,P Pordom,K Renshaw.

Front row l/r: I Smith, B Gibson, P Hubbart (Captain), G Lewis, T Court.


Back row:Chris Staniforth, Neil Kellet, Martin Butler,Gaz Stirk, C. Darlison, Peter Hubbard.

Front row:Martin Charnock, Mark Jackson, Stve Beazeley, Pete Welch, Pete Farmer, Andy Sibson, Kevin Lockwood.


To be firmly identified. This photo was published in the September/October edition of the Rothley Post asking for help with identification. Some names were then added following a good handful of responses.

Back Row left to right:
Unknown, unknown, Herbert Green who organised the Rothley carnivals from 1930-1940?, unknown, unknown.

Middle row left to right:
Gertrude Brunt, unknown, Winnie Upton (nee Exton), Mabel Olphin (nee Evans)

Front row left to right
Unknown, Ruby Kitching, unknown, Doris Wakelin, Olive Mee (Antill)

The search continues for the other names. The location is not Harvey Knitwear, as first thought, but the Alvis Works on Linkfield Road, Mountsorrel. It could be that the unknown men had come from the Alvis Works in Coventry. Airplane propeller parts were made here as part of the Alvis manufacturing.
Thanks to Kathleen Brown (nee Bowler) and Nev Baum for their help in identification.

Rothley Park Golf Club with the Clubhouse in the background.

Rothley Cobras Cycle Speedway Club

Outing to Skegness 1952

L/r: G Waterfield, R Brewin, G Boultbee, R Smith, B Waldrum, A Stirk, B Waterfield, E Allen, P Black, L Squires, G Squires, B Stokes.

The speedway ash track was on the Recreation Ground on Town Green Street, Rothley Brook end.

Rothley Home Guard 1944

Eileen Sibson in a superb crinoline ready for the procession.

The procession in Wellsic Lane looking towards Town Green Street. Eileen Sibson is on top of vehicle FAY 45 but you wonder how the driver can see under all those frills!

Jubilee Party in The Rise Saturday 4th June 1977

Remark on the back of the photo says 'Susie bottom left corner, Angie third up the table'.

Rothley Scouts with Hubert Sleath the Scout Master in the centre of the back row. 1930's

North Street 1945
Front row:
left to rright
Mrs Kinton, Richard Kinton, Jean Greasley, unknown, unknown
Second row:
John Carter (holding his banjo), Lawrence Carter (wearing his Boy Scout hat), unknown, Betty Smith (married Jack Moss) holding unknown child, Mary Chester, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown
Third row:
Arthur Page, unknown, unknown, Harry Greasley, Mrs Carter, unknown, Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Greasley, Eliza Chester
Back row:
All unknown

Union Lane in 1917. Difficult to tell how far the ice extends as someone is sitting on a chair to view the scene. The pond is still there in 2010 but now just within the parish of Mountsorrel. It is between Whatton Oaks and Linkfield Road. This could have been a clay pit as Rothley, like so many of our villages, would have made its own bricks and it was known as Parkers Pit. Parkers was a shoe factory which became Rubicon but that was demolished around 2009.

Rothley Baptist Church to the left. The photograph is marked late 1950's and looks to be the Dedication Ceremony for the new entrance on North Street. The original entrance was on Woodgate.

Tea in the Village Hall in 1946 but more information needed. The gentleman at the front is Mr Charles Botterill who ran The Blue Bell in Rothley and sitting next to him is Mrs Priscilla Toone, Grandmother of Mrs Bessie Tomlinson who kindly supplied the photograph.
The lady pouring the tea is Elizabeth Stevens, Mother of Lilian Stevens and Grandmother to Pauline Beaumont of Mountsorrel. The man just two further along is Arch Spicer.
The Great Grandfather of Nick Payne of Sileby is on the back row on the right, with the moustache, and although his name was John Thomas he was called Jack Leek.
The lady also on the back row with a white spot on her hat is possibly Barbara Nixon.

Part of the Post Office Collection but this was taken at the front of the Reservoir Inn, Cropston (now the Badger Sett).

A few more names added by Neville. The line from the top possibly points to Noel Collins.

Kindly given by Neville Baum who says that it was taken in the early 1950's, possibly at the Church Harvest Festival Weekend. Taken from Woodgate with Cross Green to the left, the Royal oak to the right and Fowke Street in the distance. Neville has indicated some of those at the event. Marion is possibly Marion Watson (nee Hancock). Tony Ginns, in the pushchair, lived in the 1727 cottage in Fowke Street with his Mother Joyce and Grandfather George Bingley. Thanks also to Joan Purves (nee Inchley) for helping out with the names.

Neville says that one of the shops to the left of the Royal Oak was a sweet shop run by Dick Elkington before he moved to Woodgate between George Hutchins, the Newsagent, and George Hunt, the Hairdresser. Dick's shop was then taken over by the Gillivers.
Neville also recalls that, as a paperboy along with his brother and three sisters, he used to go to the bus stop on Cross Green every Monday-Saturday evening to wait for the Leicester Mercury and Leicester Evening Mail to arrive by Midland Red bus from Leicester. It was then a mad dash to the paper shop with packages of newspapers bundled in paper and tied up with string before getting them delivered.

If you can add any more names or bits of history to any old photos on this website please contact Marion Vincent 0116 2375156 or vincent.mbe82@yahoo.co.uk

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Last updated: Wed, 25 Oct 2017 09:39