27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley



Private 27278 William North

9th Battalion (or 6th) Leicestershire Regiment.

Died of gunshot wounds to both legs whilst serving on the Western Front on the 26th September 1916 aged 23 years.

He is buried in the Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe, Somme, France. Grave Ref: IV.1.12

Son of Harry and Alice North of Anthony Street, Rothley. Brother to Edward and Harry Ernest North. Married Winifred Gibbins in 1914 and daughter Muriel May North born in 1915

Named on the War Memorial, Parish Church Roll of Honour and Parish Church Triptych Roll of Honour

The War Diary for the 26th September 1916 records:
At 6.00am A tank supported by a bombing party of the 7th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT cleared GRID TRENCH , on the right of PILGRIMS WAY, taking over 350 prisoners. At 8.00am patrols from the 6th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT and "A" and "B" Companies went forward into GEUDECOURT and reported the village clear of the enemy. The remainder of "C" and "D" Company occupied GRID TRENCH. At 2.00pm Major BENT reported at Battalion HQ with orders from the General that the battalion was to withdraw to BULL TRENCH and PATROL TRENCH, which was carried out at 6.00pm. Intermittent shelling throughout the day, becoming intense at about 11.00am and 3.00pm. At 11.00pm Battalion had orders to withdraw to SWITCH and GAP TRENCHES, which was successfully carried out by 2.00am without casualties.

Statement of Attestation and postings

Statement of Attestation and postings

Casualty Form showing that Private North died of gun shot wounds to both legs in the field on the 26.9.16

Casualty Form showing that Private North died of gun shot wounds to both legs in the field on the 26.9.16

Letter from the War Office dated 2nd February 1917 to Infantry Records, Lichfield, asking them to release the personal possessions of Private North

Letter from the War Office dated 2nd February 1917 to Infantry Records, Lichfield, asking them to release the personal possessions of Private North

Document signed by Winifred North taking receipt of the personal possessions of her husband after his death

Document signed by Winifred North taking receipt of the personal possessions of her husband after his death

Document signed by Winifred on receipt of the Memorial Scroll on December 4th 1919

Document signed by Winifred on receipt of the Memorial Scroll on December 4th 1919





Last updated: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 17:43