27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Minutes September 1944


The Vicar started by answering questions which members were puzzled about. (These were collected last week). The questions dealt with religion, the Gospels and evolution. Members seemed very interested and even asked the Vicar a few questions.
The Vicar then told us that he had heard that the Club is closing. He said this was the most critical period in its history, as he wants us to help entertain the soldiers when they come home again. Also, many members are leaving including the present president and also Mary and Tony who have done a lot for the Club in the past. The Club will seem completely different without them, nevertheless we are determined to carry on!!
We then went out into the Vicarage drive (in front of the front door) and played a new and different game of hand-ball.
We returned to the Club-room for a game of "Blind Man's Buff" and also the service taken by the Vicar.



We started off with a treasure-hunt organised by Bob and Mary. It took us all over the village. I was the lucky winner.
Then came the fifth election. Result:

PRESIDENT: Phillip Roots.
Bill Hancock.
Bernard Ashwell.
June Mansell.
Joan Wright.

A game of "passing the hat" followed, then "blind man's buff", "winking" and "questions and answers". All provided some fun.
After the service, at 9.50 (rather later than usual) we all departed for home and bed.



This evening we started with an "Advertisement Competition"-filling in missing words in well-known advertisements. Mary was the winner.
While this was taking place, a committee meeting was held in the Old Club Room.
Philip, Bob, Bernard, Joan and I were present.
We discussed the following.
Bob to be on the committee as he now finds that he can get to the Club most Thursdays.
Bill to be secretary.
Talent Competition to be postponed until the New Year Concert. Some play books are coming. The programme is to be arranged next week when there is to be a general discussion about it. Practices will probably begin on Oct 5th.
More members are needed.
The Service is to be held at 8.30 to enable far distant Clubites to catch buses etc.
The forming of a choir was again discussed.
"Blind Man's Buff" for the third week running followed and then a game of hand-ball.
The Service finished a very enjoyable evening.



Throughout the evening two or more members played billiards-always popular amongst the boys while the rest of us played "Tip the Topper" under the management of Selwyn and then under the management of John we had what could be called a "drawing race"-a good game.
"Ticker" and Selwyn then gave the rest of us a comedy quiz which proved to be "crackers"-to quote our popular comedian (John).
The Vicar then took the service at 8.30 which was followed by some of us reading plays. We've got to decide on a play for the concert we hope to give shortly. None of the ones read were appreciated by the members. But now a new suggestion has come up for discussion-a full length play (the ones read were only one act plays lasting half an hour or so-of course they were not read all through). "The Ghost Train" or "Rope" were suggested as suitable full length plays.
Philip managed to get more "play books", these have been handed round for members to read and then, next week, to review them. We must give a really good show; even better than last time, if possible.


Last updated: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 19:07