27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Minutes October 1944


We started by discussing the concert which we hope to give at Christmas. It was decided that we should give two sketches, "Lou" is giving two monologues; the Choir (which is not yet formed) is going to sing; Bob and Joan are singing solos; "Ticker" is going to "fool about" with a piano. We hope it is as a great a success as the last one.
Then Bob, at the piano, and "Lou" conducted a film and music quiz. A game of silent rugby followed.
Mrs. Becher took the service after which we played "Murder".


P.S. The Youth Club has now been in existance for a year. It started on Oct. 3rd 1943 with a meeting to discuss the possibilities of starting a Club in Rothley.
There are now 29 people on the roll. Three are in the Services, another three are away at College and one or two others have to go to night-school. We now get about 18 members at each meeting which really isn't at all bad considering. Most of the evacuees have gone back to London so they are naturally unable to come.


This week our president was absent, so we had to have a "scratch-programme". We started with some games with a "streak of magic" in them, "Black Magic", "Magic hand writing" etc. Then came one or two more hilarious games.
The prayers taken by the Vicar followed.
We finished with "Blind-man's Buff" and a game of Hand-Rugby.
We had intended to start rehearsing for the Concert this evening but we could not because of the President's absence-he's also the producer. However, he sent along a sheet of paper with the items on it and the approximate time for the show. We do not know, yet, to which fund we'll send the proceeds.



Billiards and table-tennis tournaments were played-the finals, however, were not reached. It was amusing to see the girls playing billiards.
Some members were round the piano when not required for the games, others sat and talked.
The service taken by the Vicar at 9.15 or so was followed by a short discussion about the Concert. It has now been decided to hold a Social with a few Variety items on Dec. 16th (if possible) in the Village Hall. Apparently about 20 Rothley men have already been discharged.
Also it was decided to send Roy Mitchell, who's been very ill in the Infirmary, a present of some kind.



The Committee met at the start of the evening.
We received with regret that Roy Mitchell died on Tuesday-we decided to send a spray of flowers and also there is to be a collection for this next week.
There is to be a debate next week and Mr. Skinner is coming to discuss the concert with us, we are probably doing "Two Gentlemen of Soho".
This took place by the fire in the Hall while the others were giving impromptu speeches under the guidance of Lou.
Then came a game of "British Bulldogs" followed by "Blind-man's Buff".
The Vicar took the service and spoke about the importance of the Concert.
"Questions and Answers" followed and then we went home.


Last updated: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 19:09