27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley

Minutes May 1945

MINUTES 3rd MAY 1945

This evening Geoff conducted a "spelling-bee" and a "general knowledge" test for the first part of the programme.
A game of "hard-ball" followed. Then came another old favourite "Russian Charades" which didn't go as well as usual this evening. "Winking"-the first time we've played it for well over a month was next on the agenda.
The prayers taken by Mrs Becher rounded off the proceedings.


MINUTES 10th MAY 1945

This evening only fifteen members were present-I expect some were suffering from hangovers after the V.E. holiday. June was in charge as Geoff was absent.
We played "Kick the Bucket", "Rounders" and then we had a knock-out table tennis tournament (playing to 13 up in each game) which was won by June.
The prayers taken by the Vicar completed the evening.


MINUTES 17th MAY1945

This evening we played cricket-the girls as well! It was quite an enjoyable game under the circumstances!-the pitch badly needed rolling-it was covered by a carpet of buttercups. The wickets consisted of a walking stick covered with a coat. The stumping glove-yes only one-was of the kind used in baseball.
My team beat David's team by four wickets scoring 32 for 5 wickets to their 28 all out. We played nine people a side and only had one batsman or "batswoman" in at once.
The winning hit of the match was a six-the ball went into the brook and was eventually fished out by means of a branch of a willow tree.
One or two members then played table-tennis and billiards while waiting for the last item-the prayers taken by the Vicar.


MINUTES 24th MAY 1945

This evening a "Scavenger Hunt" was held. It took us all over the village. It was quite good fun but it made some of the hard and overworked Clubites tired! It was organised by Bob and Geoff. Phil Roots and his gang (who they were-I, for one, don't know!) were the winners.
Then, in the Club-room before prayers which were, as usual, taken by the Vicar, some of the members played a new and what could be a good game of "Murder". But most of our members don't appreciate a thing!! They come to the Club to chat and fool about and that's all they do! At one time it was an orderly Club where everyone did everything with enthusiasm but now all that has changed. It isn't the President's or the Committee's fault-it's the fault of the Club as a whole!


MINUTES 31st MAY 1945

This evening for the first three quarters of a hour members just talked, played table-tennis or billiards. Then we had a discussion on the forthcoming General Election, many points were raised but gradually we wandered from the subject and started talking about miners' wages!
We played "Man and his Object".
The Vicar then said that he hoped to see us all in Church on June 10th-Empire Youth Sunday-when the Club are taking part in the service reading the lessons etc. Actually this has now been changed-because some of our members are scouts and they can't get in the morning-the original time-to the evening. We finished with the prayers.
The result of the Eighth Elections:

PRESIDENT: June Mansell (7 votes)
VICE PRESIDENT: David Hall (5 votes)

Pat Rochester (4 votes)
Willie Cook (1 vote)
(At the President's request:)
Bill Hancock
Bob Lovett

The new committee take over next week.


Last updated: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 19:28