27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Minutes May 1944


First, I presented a gift to Betty Patrick on behalf of the Club as she is leaving to join the W.R.N.S.
Then came the high spot of the evening- a treasure-hunt organised by Mary with Bob "in the know". Everyone enjoyed it and a good time was had by all. The majority of the couples obtained from 18-20 points out of the possible 21. Tony and Joy were the winners.
A game of "hide and seek" was also held.
The meeting ended with a service taken by the Vicar, in the club-room.



Another out-door meeting with a camp-fire upon which potatoes were roasted so that we could have a good feed, but unluckily the potatoes did not roast too well.
We went into the field and had a game of cricket which came unluckily to an abrupt end as the farmer Frank Sleath "turfed" us out of the field after being very rude. However he saw the Vicar about it and it is thought that we'll be able to hold games in the field in the future.
We voted as to whether we go on a cycle-ride or a walk next week, the former gained the majority. A committee meeting, which Mary also attended, was held after the service taken as usual by our Vicar.


P.S. There are 28 people on the Club Roll. 14 boys and 14 girls.


This evening we cycled to Swithland Woods and back; we rested at the "Camp". At 8.15 we went to Mrs. Barnett's at her invitation, for supper. She had also very kindly put up the table-tennis table and dart board for us. While some played these, others listened to Barbara's piano playing, Joan's singing and piano-playing, Bob's singing and John's monologues which always make us howl.
The Vicar and Mrs. Becker were also at Mrs. Barnett's, the former took the prayers and thanked Mrs. Barnett for putting up with us. A thoroughly good time was had by all and we are indebted to Mrs. Barnett for so kindly inviting us.



The meeting was held in the Club Room because it was pouring with rain. We started by playing a new and exciting version of "hand-ball". Barbara then gave us a general knowledge test. The winning team won by a mere half point. The "predicament" game came next and then...the curtains were drawn, the lights put out and someone started a mystery story which was continued in turn by all the members present. Iris then taught us "The Old Family Coach"-another story game, this proved very amusing.
A general meeting followed when everyone discussed next weeks programme and June 3rd (Saturday) when we are entertaining the Youth Club of the Deanery.
We went home after the prayers which were, as usual, conducted by the Vicar.

Charles W. Hancock

Last updated: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 19:01