27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Minutes July 1944


This evening for the first hour or so we weeded and generally helped garden the church-yard. Then Miss Woods gave us an interesting insight into Switzerland. She passed photographs round. These were also interesting. She advised us to go there saying it was cheaper than a holiday at Blackpool! This was outside by the way.
At 9.0 we had our game of baseball (cum rounders). Then followed the prayers taken by our Vicar in the club room.



This evening a party was held. We started with a treasure hunt organised by Mary and Bob. Cherry won. We then played hide and seek in the garden-the church yard was banned. Then Food! Yes! food! We all brought enough food for one and a half persons and did we have a feed. Philip Roots and Bryan then played their guitars (sounds romantic!) and Barbara played the piano. Winnie, Joan, Philip and Bob sang and we joined in for community singing. John gave us two monologues-always enjoyed by one and all.
We finished with the prayers taken by the Vicar.
This week there were about 3 girls to every one boy. Reason: we've got all the older evacuees in the Club and they're mainly girls. At one time we were hard up for members of the fair sex but now we want more boys.



This week Philip was in charge as the President Bob was on holiday.
We met at the Vicarage and then walked to the Rothley Common where a fire was lit. We cooked sausages on the fire and then ate them with bread-Philip kindly obtained the sausages for us.
No games were played on the Common. Members wandered around admiring the view and gathering sticks for the fire and on which to cook the sausages.
We arrived at the Vicarage again to collect bikes etc at about 10p.m.



This Thursday is the first in the history of the Youth Club that no meeting has been arranged. The president thought that there would be renewed interest in the Club after a break-not that interest was lacking!
To date there are 16 boys and 20 girls on the Club roll, this includes two who are serving and who thus have not been lately but the Club's still open to them. We are pleased that some evacuees (the ones over 14) have accepted our invitation to join the Club-they are now part of our village. We are sorry to hear that about four of our members are leaving shortly to go to college etc. The Club will naturally be open to them when they are on holiday.

Charles W. Hancock

Last updated: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 19:04