27th September 2024

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Memorials in the Wesleyan Methodist Church


This brass plaque is fixed to an internal wall in a vestibule once part of the entrance from Howe Lane. The decisions were written up in the Rothley Wesleyan Methodist Chapel Minutes Book and here is an extract from the meeting:

At a meeting of the 2nd March 1921:

It has been arranged for a Brass Tablet to be fixed in the chapel in memory of the three men (formerly belonging to the Church or School) who lost their lives in the Great War 1914-1918. A Grant towards the cost of the tablet will be made by the Circuit Thanksgiving Fund. It was further agreed that the provision of a Baptismal Font be included in the War Memorial Scheme.

That the Memorial Tablet be unveiled by Mr E F Bull and the Baptismal Font dedicated on the afternoon of Sunday 17th April 1921. Special Services being conducted by Rev. James Rogers in the morning and evening of that day and collections taken for the Memorial Fund.

A Grant of £14.5s.6d received for the Memorial Tablet out of a total cost of £19. 4s. 5d. The Baptismal Font cost £1. 14. 0d.

Mr Edwin F Bull unveiled the plaque which included his son, Sydney Feltham Bull

Mr Edwin F Bull unveiled the plaque which included his son, Sydney Feltham Bull




The Baptismal Font cost £1.14s.0d and part of the War Memorial Scheme as shown above from the 1921 Minutes

The Baptismal Font cost £1.14s.0d and part of the War Memorial Scheme as shown above from the 1921 Minutes

To find out more about the men on the Memorial Plaque please click on the following links:

Last updated: Mon, 19 Dec 2016 14:02