27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Harry Hames Cottage Charity

This Charity celebrated 50 years in 2010 and is very active. Harry Hames left 5 cottages to the village in his Will to give affordable homes to rent for Rothley residents. Any surplus monies to be used for the benefit of the village.The properties are in Woodgate and School Street, kept in a good state of repair and fully let.

Many grants have been given in the village including a Wall of Remembrance in Rothley Cemetery, the Pauper Memorial, new fencing around the Donkey Field, local publications, hedging, grants to the Bowls and Tennis Club and many more.

This is a very active Charity and a report is given every year at the Annual General Meeting of Rothley Parish Council.

The Wall of Remembrance in Rothley after Dedication

The Wall of Remembrance in Rothley after Dedication

Last updated: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 09:55