27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley

George Perkins to Denis Taylor


George Perkins entered the army at the outbreak of war and was involved in the early days on the continent. He was captured and became a prisoner, later, following the German invasion of Norway, was transferred to the prison ship and was later released on the amazing attack on the ship by the Royal Navy in a Norwegian fjord. Shortly after his return to this country he was shipped out to the Far East and there became a captive of the Japanese. Needless to say, he received very harsh treatment under his captives.

Following his release at the cessation of hostilities he returned to this country and was employed as a chauffeur/gardener.


Howard Burton also became a member of the army for the duration of the war and whilst not enjoying the colourful career of George (featured above) he settled into civilian life as an assistant in the grocery trade. Howard later married a cousin of Bob Lovett and lived in Linkfield Road, Mountsorrel.


Cyril Hardy lived in an old farm house towards the end of Town Green Street, Rothley. It was at that time called Main Street or 'Up Town'.


Reg Hill lived initially towards the upper part of North Street in a house now demolished and later moved to Hallfields Lane (then called Rothley House Lane). He was an electrician by trade.


Syd Bradshaw at the time was a carpenter/joiner working for Sleath's the builders and later became self-employed including undertaking. In addition to being a chorister he was also for many years the cross bearer.


Earnest Chaplin lived in Sileby but being an ardent singer he travelled to Rothley owing to the quality of the choir which, at this time, was certainly equal to Cathedral standards. He was one of the few people who owned a motor car (an Austin 10) and regularly his wife and two daughters accompanied him in order to join the evensong congregation. He also had two sons. Earnest had his own shoe business.


Fred Perkins lived in a house in Woodgate which had been built for the benefit of workers employed at the Hames hosiery factory in Fowke Street (now Prospecs and Barrie Pook Motor Bookshop). The houses adjacent to the factory were also owned by "Boss Hames".


Denis Taylor was a jewellery shop attendant employed by Tarretts in Market Street, Leicester. He was always rather suave and understood to be a very good ballroom dancer and although he never married was always a 'ladies man'. He was a very keen musician and later became a rather renowned professional singer and, later still, the church choir master.

Last Updated Tue, 31 Aug, 2010.

Last updated: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 19:38