27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Financial Information

End of Year Accounts

Notice of Conclusion of Audit - 31/3/2024

Publication of Unaudited Accounts and Notice of Public Rights 2023/2024

Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) 2022/2023

Annual Governance & Accountability Return (A.G.A.R) 2021/2022

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2020/2021

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2019/20

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2019/20

Annual Return Form & External Auditors Report Year Ended 31/3/2019

Annual Return Form & External Auditors Report Year Ended 31-03-2018

Annual Return and External Auditors Report to 31-03-2017

Annual Return and External Auditors Report to 31-03-2016


The Precept is that element of your Council Tax that is paid to Rothley Parish Council.

Every year, the Parish Council draws up budgets and calculates how much money it needs for the next Financial Year. These are usually finalised at the January Full Council meeting and then submitted to Charnwood Borough Council (CBC). CBC co-ordinates the other demands from Leicestershire County Council, the Police and themselves and come up with the rate to be paid from 1st April of that year.


Fixed Assets

Grants Awarded

Grant Applications Submitted

Monthly Expenditure

A report of Rothley Parish Council's monthly expenditure can be found below:

Last updated: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:50