27th September 2024

Search Rothley Parish Council

Serving the people of Rothley

Consolidated Charities

It is recorded in Rothley Church of the following gifts to the poor of the Parish of Rothley:

1664 Margaret Byron, of St. Giles, London £10.0.0
1682 Susanna Hollowy, of Westerham, Essex, £1.0.0
1682 Mr Robert Patch, of Dort in Holland, £20.0.0
1686 Samuel Bursnall, of Rothley, £20.0.0
1688 Mr John Stirk, of the City of London, £5.0.0
1694 Thomas Wilson, of Dalby-on-the-Woulds, £1.0.0

The total of £57.0.0 was increased to £60.0.0 by taking £3.0.0 from the Poor Rates and the sum lent to Mr. Paget, a Rothley inhabitant, who paid interest on it for life at a rate of 5% per annum with this arrangement continuing after his death by his personal representatives. The interest of £3.0.0 per annum was distributed by the minister and churchwardens in the month of January, in small sums varying between 6d and 1shilling and six pence, amongst the most necessitous and deserving persons of the Parish of Rothley. A preference was given to those not in receipt of parochial relief. There is no account of the distribution.

This Charity was combined with the Staveley Charity in the following link:

Last updated: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 10:10