27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Rothley

1912-1936 Organ 2


January 12th
It was decided that the new organ be kept locked when not required during the services; also that no person should be allowed to play or practise upon the instrument without the consent of the Church.
We decided to pay Mr Disney, the organist, the sum due to him for services rendered during 1911.

March 14th
The secretary was requested to suitably acknowledge to Mr S.F.Burford the donation towards our new organ.


February 27th
As Miss A.Staples expressed her desire to relinquish the post of assistant organist we decided to ask A.Archer to take her place.

In 1913 the annual cost of organ blowing was 15/6d and the organist was paid £3.0s 0d


January 7th
A letter was received from Mr Disney resigning the position of Organist and Choirmaster, and Messrs Burford and Vann were appointed to see him and ask him if he would reconsider it and failing him to see Mr T. Toone and Mr Percy Hallam.

March 25th
Mr C Disney was thanked for his services as Organist and Choirmaster and as he requested us to give him a testimonial as to his musical ability and efficiency as Choir leader the Secretary was instructed to send same to him.

June 10th
Some further discussion took place re the Organist, he having failed to attend Choir Practices, and Mr Waldram was asked to speak to him about the matter.

In 1915 the annual cost of organ blowing was 19/6d and the organist was paid £3.0s.0d.


June 13th
The resignation of the Organist was accepted and Mrs Cattell and Mr Mitchell were asked to see Mr Disney to ask if he would again take the position. Master Albert Vann was appointed Organist for the Morning Services.
The Secretary was instructed to see Mr Keyworth about the repair to the organ and report.

In 1916 the annual cost of organ blowing was 18s.0d, the Organist was paid £4.0s.0d. and a Portable Organ cost £1.0s.0d


May 31st
The resignation of Master Albert Vann as assistant organist was accepted and Miss Doris Hyman was appointed in his place.

In 1917 the annual cost of organ blowing was 16s 9d and the organist paid £4.0s.0d.


January 10th
Mr Disney having intimated that he would be unable to officiate as organist owing to his absence from the village, being engaged in war work at Bedford, it was resolved to ask Mr A. Archer to play at the evening service and Miss D. Hyman at the morning service as usual.

December 12th
The Secretary read a letter from Miss D. Hyman resigning her position as assistant Organist which was accepted and it was thought desirable to get someone who would be responsible for all the musical arrangements and after some discussion it was decided to offer Mr A. Archer the position and failing him to ask Mr Albert Vann (This latter part has been crossed through and a pencil amendment made that is unreadable.)


February 27th
Mrs Iliffe proposed and Miss Porter 2nd that Mr Albert Vann be appointed organist at a salary of £5. Mr Cattell proposed (as an amendment) and Miss Hyman 2nd that Mr A. Archer be appointed, but after some discussion the amendment was withdrawn and the resolution was carried.

June 26th
The position of Organist not having been satisfactorily settled Mr Burford agreed to see Mr Disney & Mr Archer and arrange the matter.

August 28th
The position of organist was accepted by Mr Archer at a salary of £5 per annum.

In 1919 the cost of organ blowing was 19s 6d, organ repairs £1.1s.0d and the organist was paid £5.0s.0d.


December 11th
The organ blower (Mr M. Archer) having intimated that he would like to be relieved of the duties at the end of December, it was decided to make him a present as an acknowledgement of his services, and to announce the vacancy in the school in the hope of securing a successor.


April 1st
It was decided to increase the insurance on the organ to £200.


November 2nd
The question of a new organ was then discussed and Mr John submitted estimates from a Derby firm of organ builders for two types of organ and without definitely committing ourselves to either type it was eventually decided to try and raise a fund with this object in view and Mr A. Archer was appointed Secretary and Treasurer for the Organ Fund.
It was suggested that the Victoria Rd S.O.S. Party might give us a Concert, and also Mr Ryland George and his Welsh Choir might help us to raise money for this purpose.


January 25th
Arising out of the Minutes the question of a new organ was again discussed as to ways and means of raising money, and it was decided that Mr A.Vann and Mr S.Roberts should formulate a scheme for a penny a week contribution from members and friends and Mrs Bellamy also promised to try and get a Party from Curzon Street Chapel.

March 29th
It was decided to hold a Bazaar in the Autumn for the Organ Fund. (This raised £52 according to the Minutes of December 14th 1933)

May 18th
It was reported that the "Penny-a-Week" scheme in connection with the Organ Fund was in working order and bringing in about £1 a month.

December 14th
A short discussion then followed whether it would be advisable, or otherwise to get the new Organ installed, seeing that we now have half the cost in hand, but this matter was eventually deferred to another Church Meeting.


January 25th
Discussion then took place about the new Organ and it was the general feeling that we should raise another £50 at least before installing it, and also that it would be impossible to arrange for another bazaar this year, it was decided to ask as many friends as possible to promise £1 this year, this amount being payable by instalments if desired and Mr Taylor volunteered to receive these contributions.

February 14th
Mr Archer announced that the Organ Fund amounted to round about £150, and as this was considered inadequate for our requirements it was decided after some discussion to hold a Bazaar in the autumn.

May 10th
The chief business was to arrange a Bazaar for the Organ Fund and Mr Archer was appointed Bazaar Secretary and the date fixed was Saturday December 14th. All the Ladies of the Church were appointed to the committee and the Gentlemen expressed the willingness to do all they could to make it a success.


January 30th
Mr Archer presented a Balance Sheet for the Bazaar which showed the proceeds as £45 and a total amount to date of £211 for the Organ Fund.

April 2nd
It was decided to hold an Officers Meeting on April 9th to make suggestions about the new Organ.


Last updated: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 15:00